Candidate Post: Thank you so much for attending the debate! - Jodi Green

Hello fellow IAPE members,

I wanted to take the opportunity to thank everyone for attending the debate between Steve and I.  As promised, there was no bad behavior. Haha!  Seriously, though, I thought the questions asked were thoughtful, insightful and challenging.  I hope my answers came across as clear and just as thoughtful and insightful.  I am quite aware that there will be a lot of continuing education should I take on the role of President and I plan to take advantage of all that is available to me, including CWA training programs and Guild Officer training.

For anyone that was unable to attend the debate, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you would like answered.  I can be reached at my old school email address: or through this website.  

Please don’t forget to fill out your ballot (voting for Jodi Green, of course) and mail it back as soon as possible.  You want to make sure that the mail is not delayed and that your ballot will be returned in time (no later than November 4 (a little less than 3 weeks away!).  

And if you’d like to take a picture when you mail your ballot, feel free to send it to me and I’ll post it here in the blog.  

Let’s get LOUD!!!!

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