Candidate Post: Only 2 weeks left - not really! - Jodi Green

Hello fellow IAPE members,

I can’t believe that there are only 2 weeks left in this election.  Actually, less than 2 weeks, as ballots need to be mailed as soon as possible to ensure they arrive to AAA by November 4 at 5:00 PM EDT.  

I hope that through my blog posts, my meet and greets and the debate, that you all have some idea of who I am and where I would like to see IAPE evolve over the next 3 years.

This is going to be an ongoing continuing education not just for me, but the rest of our officers as well.  This would be the case for anyone new to a position.  I plan to take advantage of everything that is available to me: Labor notes, Guild officer training and CWA training programs.  

As you all prepare to choose the candidate of your choice for President, there is one thing that I would like to talk about.  I’ve written before that I know a lot of the members in the Princeton office, since that is where I have been the Location Director.  I did go to the 1211 New York office right before COVID restricted interoffice visits to meet as many of our members there that I could.  But, because I’m a part of Data Strategy and not the newsroom, I recognize that there newsroom employees around the country that may still not be familiar with who I am, other than a name on the ballot you’ve received.  I have tried to remedy that as much as I can by writing my blog posts and holding my meet and greets. 

I have realized that if I want you, our reporters, to get to know me, I should get to know you as well.  Due to restrictions on my access to email addresses, I cannot reach out individually.  What I’ve started doing instead, is to follow as many of you as I can on Twitter.  I want to get to know your work and what you do.  I want to be able to recognize your names when I hear them.  And as I mentioned in the debate and meet and greets, if I win, I will want to hold small group meetings to get to know all of our members.  

As I have also said multiple times, once our offices reach Phase 3 and beyond, I will visit all of them to meet as many members in person as possible.  I know there are members of IAPE out there that still don’t have a clear understanding of what it means to be a part of a labor union.  And what it would mean to not be part of one.  It is my hope that as more and more of you become familiar with my name and who I am, you will be willing to listen to my thoughts, ideas and we can have some productive conversations.

Here’s my call to action (besides getting LOUD!):  Vote for me, Jodi Green, for our next IAPE President.  Tell your coworkers and friends.  And make sure to send in your ballots ASAP!

Thank you!
