Directors Kick Off New Term; IAPE Announcements

Dec. 1 marked the beginning of the new term for the IAPE Board of Directors, which runs through Nov. 30, 2023. Following is a list of the new officers and directors:


President/CWA Delegate - Jodi Green

Vice-President/CWA Delegate - Eleanor Miller

Treasurer/CWA Delegate - Austen Hufford

Secretary/CWA Delegate - Brent Kendall

Location Directors: (Candidates must be employed in the geographic location they wish to represent.)

Northeast - Laura Casey, Margaret Lin, Shalini Ramachandran, Joseph Walker

Mid-Atlantic - Patricia Corley, Whitney Henderson, Alisha Stegall

Southeast - Jess Bravin, Joshua Jamerson

Northwest - Georgia Wells

Southwest - Alexandra Berzon

Canada - Vipal Monga

Midwest - OPEN

Classification Directors: (Candidates must be employed in the job classification they wish to represent.)

Administrative/Advertising - OPEN

News - Ian Lovett

Production - Roger Pacheco

Technology - Vincent Rickey

IAPE Directors are all very excited to pick up the baton passed to them by the previous Board, and intend to continue pushing the company to bargain with the Union regarding Covid benefits and enforcing terms of the IAPE contract through the grievance process and labor/management committee.  

Vacancies Filled
The new Board has already been busy this week accomplishing a number of housekeeping items, including the completion of their first order of business: nominating and filling of two open positions (Location Director - Canada and Classification Director - Technology). Vacancies still exist for the positions of Location Director - Midwest and Classification Director - Administrative/Advertising. Any IAPE member interested in either of these positions should reach out to  

Vacation Rollover
IAPE reps met with the company on Thursday for monthly Labor/Management, Grievance and Classification discussions. The Union initiated a new grievance challenging disciplinary memos issued to a Princeton member, and discussed a number of other grievances and employee concerns. Among those: IAPE received confirmation that this year’s special carryover of vacation, up to 5 unused 2020 vacation days, will not require any action on the part of employees. Available vacation days appearing in Workday as of Dec. 31 will automatically be credited to employees’  2021 vacation accounts. Please keep in mind that carryover vacation days must be used by Mar. 31, 2021, or they will disappear.

Steward Training & IAPE Board Meeting
Two reminders for IAPE members: the final Steward 101 training of 2020 is coming up on Dec. 9, and the first Board of Directors meeting of the new board will be held via Zoom on Dec. 12.  As mentioned in previous newsletters, this meeting is open to any IAPE members who would like to attend. Sign up here for these events.