Tangel Elected IAPE Treasurer

The nominations period for the 2024 IAPE Special Election has closed, and the Elections Committee has declared Andrew Tangel the new Treasurer for IAPE TNG-CWA Local 1096. He was the only nominee, making a membership vote unnecessary under the rules for this election.

A Wall Street Journal reporter since 2014, Tangel covers aviation safety and regulation, and previously reported on transportation in New York City.

Tangel fills a vacancy created after the departure of previous Treasurer Austen Hufford, who resigned his position in November. The term of office for IAPE Treasurer, and all current officer and director positions on the IAPE Board, will continue through Nov. 30, 2026.



Notice is herewith given of the 2024 special election of IAPE Treasurer - CWA Delegate, as provided by the Bylaws of IAPE Local 1096, TNG/CWA.

Treasurer - CWA Delegate (1)

Eligibility: Any IAPE member in good standing can run for the position of Treasurer. Under Article IX, Sec. B and Article XI, Sec. A, of the IAPE bylaws, the Treasurer automatically also serves as Delegate for IAPE to any CWA Convention held within the terms of office.


This Notice of Nomination and Election will be e-mailed to the last known home address of each IAPE member, in good standing, no later than Friday, December 6, 2024, and posted on the IAPE website, www.iape1096.org.

Any IAPE member in good standing can nominate themselves and/or any other member in good standing for the position of Treasurer - CWA Delegate. Good standing is defined, for purposes of nomination, as being current in Union dues as of Monday, December 2, 2024. If a member is on leave as of that date, the member will be considered in good standing if the member was in good standing when they went out on leave.

Nominations must be received by the Elections Committee no later than 10:00 a.m. EST, Friday, December 20, 2024. Nominations must be in writing, and must be submitted by email to elections@iape1096.org.

After each nomination is received, the Elections Committee will confirm the eligibility of nominees. Those who have not nominated themselves will be contacted to determine whether they accept nomination. Names of verified nominees shall immediately be posted on the IAPE website. In the event only one nomination for the Treasurer position is received by the nomination deadline, the eligible unopposed candidate will be declared elected.

In the event of a contested election, candidates are encouraged to submit a statement and photo to be posted on the IAPE website to the Elections Committee: elections@iape1096.org. Statements should be a maximum of 1000 words and can include a link to a personal web page or blog. Photos must be submitted in high-resolution .jpg format. Statements and photos will be posted within two (2) business days of submission to the Elections Committee. Deadline to submit those to the Elections Committee is Friday, December 27, 2024. There is no cost to the candidate.

A contested election will be administered by the American Arbitration Association (AAA) as soon as practicable following the close of the nomination period. Once election ballots have been mailed to eligible voters, the voter list will be available for candidates via a view-only Google Sheet. This locked, confidential list will include member names, locations, and classifications only. No contact information will be provided. The link to the Google Sheet will be sent to all nominated candidates no later than two (2) business days following the mailing of election ballots. No further request is necessary. Candidates may designate a representative to examine the lists on their behalf. Requests, in writing, should be directed to the Elections Committee and sent to elections@iape1096.org.

In the event of a contested election, a duly nominated candidate may send physical mailings to all members. To submit a mailing, candidates should reach out to the Elections Committee with a copy of the materials they plan to send at least five (5) business days prior to their desired send date. The cost of those mailings will range from $700-$950 and will be incurred by the candidate as quoted by Click2Mail.

Dow Jones email addresses can NOT be used for any campaign purpose. IAPE may send ballot reminders to work email addresses, but no campaigning or electioneering can be done using company resources. IAPE can send an email on behalf of a duly nominated candidate to the list of personal emails that the union has available. (Note: the personal email list is incomplete.) Please email the Elections Committee (elections@iape1096.org) with the draft email including subject line and proposed send date. Please submit all emails for sending at least three (3) business days in advance of your proposed send date. Send dates will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. The Elections Committee will work with the candidates to schedule their send. The cost to send an email will be incurred by the candidate as quoted by IAPE.

In the event of a contested election, the election will be conducted via mail ballot. Detailed voting instructions will accompany the ballot. Only official ballots will be counted. No write-in votes will be counted. Ballots will be mailed to members who were in good standing as of Monday, December 2, 2024.

In the event of a contested election, ballot delivery and receipt deadline dates will be determined in conjunction with AAA. As soon as possible after the ballot count date, the Elections Committee will issue a tentative certification of the results and will notify the membership. Absent a challenge to the election, the tentative certification will become final ten (10) days thereafter.

All inquiries and protests should be directed in written form to the Elections Committee. The Elections Committee will rule on any and all challenges and issue a final election certification no later than ten (10) days following the ballot count date. Further appeals shall be governed by the terms of the CWA constitution, Article XV, Section 4.

Terms of office for those elected via this special election will begin immediately and will end November 30, 2026.


These rules supplement, and must be read and applied in conjunction with, the IAPE bylaws or CWA Constitution provision that is their source. These rules shall be interpreted and applied liberally to ascertain the actual intent of the voter and the true result of any election, and shall not be interpreted or applied so as to unnecessarily disqualify eligible voters for immaterial irregularity.