Vision Plan Open Enrollment Again?

Yes, it’s a real thing

IAPE-represented employees working in the United States have received an email from the News Corp benefits department under the subject line, “Special Vision Enrollment Opportunity - Do Not Reply.”

Not explained in yesterday’s message from the company: this invitation to re-enrol in Dow Jones vision plan coverage is the result of an IAPE grievance filed against the company in December of last year, when enhanced vision coverage was only made available to non-union employees.

During discussions to settle the IAPE grievance, Dow Jones agreed to conduct a new open enrollment for IAPE-represented staff. New vision benefits provide an annual allowance of $150 for eyeglass frames, an increase of $40 from the former plan.

Members can change their plan election during this new enrollment period, which ends on Friday. As the enrollment invitation from News Corp states, “If you do not wish to make any changes, your current election will continue with the new plan design.” Per-paycheck premiums for enhanced vision coverage will be slightly higher under the new plan.

Members who have already purchased glasses in 2023 should consider whether they require vision plan coverage for the remainder of this year.

Update Your IAPE Contact Info!
You’re likely receiving this message at your Dow Jones email address. There are times, especially during contract negotiations, when IAPE prefers to message members via their personal email accounts. Not all members have their current personal email address on file with IAPE, though. If you would like to add or update your non-DJ contact information with IAPE, please send your current email address in a reply to this note.

If you would like to add your mobile number for possible IAPE text messages during contract negotiations, please feel free to add that to your reply!