Contract Trivia: Pay Tiers

Congratulations to Princeton member Denise Ackerman, the latest winner of our 2023 trivia contest and a $50 prize. Denise was one of several IAPE members with the correct answer to last week’s question about the ability to sell vacation time: an IAPE-represented employee can request one week’s pay in lieu of one week’s vacation if they are entitled to at least three weeks of vacation and if their compensation is $1,250 per week or less (see Article IX - Vacations, Section E).

The IAPE Board of Directors will soon be finalizing proposals for a new contract with Dow Jones—union and management representatives will meet next Thursday to discuss a schedule for 2023 negotiations—and as part of that process, the union will also review existing introductory pay tiers and scales for classified job titles. The 2022-23 Job Descriptions, Tiers and Minimum Pay Scales document is incorporated by reference into the collective agreement between IAPE and Dow Jones, and is the source for this week’s trivia question:

How many different Tier levels are listed in the IAPE/DJ Job Description Document?

Think you know? Email your response to Not sure? Take a look through the Job Description Document linked above. Members in good standing* will have until Thursday at midnight to find the answer within the current collective agreement between IAPE and Dow Jones, and email that answer back to us. Next Friday, one winner will be selected at random from all the correct responses, and that winning member will receive a $50 prize from IAPE.

Register for Contract 101
If you haven’t registered to attend our Contract 101 class scheduled for next Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. EDT, there’s still plenty of time. RSVP at the IAPE Events page for this Zoom presentation and Q&A session.

Still Looking for Elections Committee Volunteers
There are still openings for one or two more volunteers for the 2023 IAPE Elections Committee. Any member in good standing can help oversee this year’s election of union officers and directors, whether you’re an IAPE veteran or a newcomer.

If you would like to pitch in and help, please email the IAPE office.


*The IAPE contract trivia question is a weekly contest for members of the IAPE/DJ bargaining unit in the United States and Canada, working under the terms of the collective agreement between Dow Jones & Company Inc. and the Independent Association of Publishers’ Employees (IAPE) TNG/CWA Local 1096, AFL-CIO,CLC, in effect from July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023. IAPE officers, IAPE directors, IAPE staff, fee-paying non-members and non-members in right-to-work states (or new employees not yet paying dues to IAPE) are not eligible for prizes. Contest period lasts through 11:59 PM Eastern Time each Thursday. On Friday, one winner will be selected from the previous week’s correct answers by a random drawing. Winners are limited to one prize every thirty days.