IAPE Election of Officers: Nomination & Election Announcement

In accordance with the rules for the 2023 election of officers for IAPE TNG/CWA Local 1096, the union Elections Committee has determined the following members in good standing have been properly nominated, unopposed, and are declared "elected" to the office for which they were nominated for the term of office beginning December 1, 2023 and running through November 30, 2026:


  • President/CWA Delegate – Jodi Green

  • Vice President/CWA Delegate – Patricia Corley

  • Treasurer/CWA Delegate – Austen Hufford

  • Secretary/CWA Delegate – Tim Merle

 Location Directors:

 (Candidates must be employed in the geographic location they wish to represent) 

  • Canada – Vipal Monga

  • Mid-Atlantic – Somyyah Butte, Ariana Vera

  • Midwest – Doug Cameron

  • Northeast – Laura Casey, Frank Matt

  • Northwest – Georgia Wells

  • Southeast – Jess Bravin, Ted Mann

Classification Directors:

(Candidates must be employed in the job classification they wish to represent)

  • News – Stephanie Armour

 CWA At-Large Delegate

  • Tim Martell

The Election Committee confirms that no nominations were received for the following positions and has declared them “vacant” as of the beginning of the next term of office:

  • Location Director – Mid-Atlantic (1)

  • Location Director – Northeast (2)

  • Location Director – Southwest

  • Classification Director – Administrative/Advertising

  • Classification Director – Technology

IAPE Bylaws state that vacant Location Director and Classification Director positions may be filled by appointment of the Board of Directors on recommendation of the Executive Council.

Congratulations to the 2023-26 members of the IAPE Board of Directors!