Bargaining Update: We’re Worth More

Dow Jones and IAPE negotiators met this morning to review a new company proposal, in response to a union document offered on Tuesday. There was little discussion of the latest management proposal, though IAPE representatives noted the company should not expect the new Dow Jones wage offer—3% per year for 2023, 2024 and 2025—to be considered acceptable.

IAPE also expressed concern that, by proposing to shift costs onto employees, management appears to be trying to drive employees away from Aetna POS II health care coverage. Dow Jones reps called union statements “pejorative” and said the company’s proposal is simply a reflection of increased company costs.

Dow Jones also responded, for the first time, to IAPE proposals on the impact of artificial intelligence. The company has offered to pay additional severance pay to any employee whose job is eliminated as a result of automation, “including Artificial Intelligence systems.”

Dow Jones and IAPE will resume negotiations next Tuesday. In the meantime, please respond to a IAPE survey on membership involvement: what will you do to demonstrate to management that we’re worth more than the company is offering?

We first presented this survey on Sept. 22, but it seems that, for many members, that message was blocked by email filters. If you missed our first delivery, please see your email today!

TNG Strike School!
Please also consider enrolling in Strike School, a day-long training class being held tomorrow and offered by our parent union, The NewsGuild.

2023 has been the year of the strike for many of our TNG siblings. To better explain the process of going on strike, officers and staff at the Guild and activists from various locals will be holding TNG’s second annual Strike School tomorrow from 11:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. EDT.

Through a series of interactive workshops and panels, you’ll learn the following from a diverse group of leaders about:

  • What makes strong contract campaigns 

  • How you and your coworkers can build a militant and responsive workforce that’s excited and ready to take action 

  • How to identify who the targets are that can actually move things at the bargaining table

  • How to set the foundation of escalating actions up to a strike nuts and bolts of running a strike.

This class is available to all Guild members, including those of us in IAPE. If you are interested in attending, please see your email to register for in-person or remote participation.