New Board Meets, Covid Benefits at the Center of Discussion

IAPE’s newly constituted Board of Directors held its first meeting Saturday, Dec. 12. Topics included the stalled negotiations with Dow Jones regarding additional Covid-related benefits, and the need to raise company awareness about the hardships many of our members are facing while working from home. Please continue to tell us about your experiences and your needs. And look for more from us in the New Year about how we can all push this issue forward. 

The Board also discussed plans for member outreach in 2021 that will encourage employees to get involved in important union initiatives, including promoting diversity in the workplace. The BOD also approved a resolution recognizing outgoing members from the 2017-2020 Board for all of their efforts on behalf of the union. See the full resolution, “Thank You, Yogi & Directors.”

Holiday Pay & Comp Time Reminder
Remember, if you are required to work on any holidays recognized in the IAPE contract (Christmas Day, Boxing Day in Canada and New Year’s Day), you’re entitled to Holiday Pay: time-and-one-half for regular hours worked (double-time for additional hours) and an extra day off in lieu of the holiday. (For holidays worked from July through the end of the year, you have the discretion to choose an extra day’s pay instead of the day off.)

Another reminder for any overtime-exempt employees with scheduled vacation time: If you’re assigned more than two hours of work on a scheduled day off -- a vacation day, personal day or weekend day -- you’re entitled to comp time for that extra work. Unused comp time hours carry over into the next calendar year, and may be cashed out 30 days after they are earned. 

Don’t let your extra work go unaccounted -- it’s your time and money. If you have questions about how to file for your extra time, send us a note or reach out to one of your local representatives.

Resolution: Thank You, Yogi & Directors

Whereas Yogita Patel served as IAPE President from December 1, 2017 through November 30, 2020, and;

Whereas Yogi decided not to run for a second term and has returned to her former position at Dow Jones, and;

Whereas a number of other Directors also opted to step away from the IAPE Board after a number of years of valuable service to the Board and IAPE members, and;

Whereas the 2017-20 edition of the IAPE Board accomplished a number of goals, notably providing information to members about the pursuit of pay equity at Dow Jones, achieving a 2019 contract with larger pay increases than IAPE members have received in a decade, and the elimination of the IAPE membership dues cap;

Therefore, the IAPE Board of Directors recognize and thank the following outgoing Officers and Directors for their contributions to IAPE TNG-CWA Local 1096:

Yogita Patel - President
Michael Wursthorn - Vice President
Siobhan Hughes - Secretary
Zusha Elinson - Classification Director, News
Joe Palazzolo - Location Director, Northeast
Cezary Podkul - Location Director, Northeast
Louise Radnofsky - Location Director, Southeast
John Jurgensen - Location Director, Midwest
Alejandro Lazo - Location Director, Northwest

Directors Kick Off New Term; IAPE Announcements

Dec. 1 marked the beginning of the new term for the IAPE Board of Directors, which runs through Nov. 30, 2023. Following is a list of the new officers and directors:


President/CWA Delegate - Jodi Green

Vice-President/CWA Delegate - Eleanor Miller

Treasurer/CWA Delegate - Austen Hufford

Secretary/CWA Delegate - Brent Kendall

Location Directors: (Candidates must be employed in the geographic location they wish to represent.)

Northeast - Laura Casey, Margaret Lin, Shalini Ramachandran, Joseph Walker

Mid-Atlantic - Patricia Corley, Whitney Henderson, Alisha Stegall

Southeast - Jess Bravin, Joshua Jamerson

Northwest - Georgia Wells

Southwest - Alexandra Berzon

Canada - Vipal Monga

Midwest - OPEN

Classification Directors: (Candidates must be employed in the job classification they wish to represent.)

Administrative/Advertising - OPEN

News - Ian Lovett

Production - Roger Pacheco

Technology - Vincent Rickey

IAPE Directors are all very excited to pick up the baton passed to them by the previous Board, and intend to continue pushing the company to bargain with the Union regarding Covid benefits and enforcing terms of the IAPE contract through the grievance process and labor/management committee.  

Vacancies Filled
The new Board has already been busy this week accomplishing a number of housekeeping items, including the completion of their first order of business: nominating and filling of two open positions (Location Director - Canada and Classification Director - Technology). Vacancies still exist for the positions of Location Director - Midwest and Classification Director - Administrative/Advertising. Any IAPE member interested in either of these positions should reach out to  

Vacation Rollover
IAPE reps met with the company on Thursday for monthly Labor/Management, Grievance and Classification discussions. The Union initiated a new grievance challenging disciplinary memos issued to a Princeton member, and discussed a number of other grievances and employee concerns. Among those: IAPE received confirmation that this year’s special carryover of vacation, up to 5 unused 2020 vacation days, will not require any action on the part of employees. Available vacation days appearing in Workday as of Dec. 31 will automatically be credited to employees’  2021 vacation accounts. Please keep in mind that carryover vacation days must be used by Mar. 31, 2021, or they will disappear.

Steward Training & IAPE Board Meeting
Two reminders for IAPE members: the final Steward 101 training of 2020 is coming up on Dec. 9, and the first Board of Directors meeting of the new board will be held via Zoom on Dec. 12.  As mentioned in previous newsletters, this meeting is open to any IAPE members who would like to attend. Sign up here for these events. 

Holiday Pay and Training Reminders

It’s Thanksgiving on Thursday, and the officers, directors and staff of IAPE would like to extend best wishes to our members working in the United States for a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

If you are not scheduled to work on Thursday, please enjoy your holiday! But if you are required to work, please remember to file for your Holiday Pay!

The collective agreement between IAPE and Dow Jones requires time-and-one-half for all regular hours worked on a holiday (double-time for extra hours) plus an additional day off in lieu of the holiday or an additional day’s pay.

The contract gives IAPE-represented employees the discretion to choose additional pay over an additional day off for all holidays worked after July 3rd in any calendar year. If you are assigned to work Thursday and you want extra pay instead of an additional day off, please inform your manager.

You may file for your Holiday Pay through Workday. If you have any questions about pay for working on a holiday or receiving your extra day’s pay or day off (again, your choice), please contact the IAPE office.

Steward Training Dec. 9
IAPE is always looking to add to its steward ranks and in Steward 101 you’ll learn your role and rights as a steward as well as the best practices to properly represent, advocate, and empower your fellow members. Register here to attend this class and to see other upcoming training opportunities and IAPE events.

Board of Directors Meets Dec. 12
Among those events is the next meeting of the IAPE Board of Directors, scheduled to be conducted via Zoom on Dec. 12. This will be the first meeting for the new IAPE Board and incoming president Jodi Green, set to begin their terms of office on Dec. 1.

IAPE Board meetings are open to IAPE members. To join, please register at our Events page.

DJ Refuses to Engage, Stalls Needed Benefits for IAPE Members

IAPE representatives met again this week with counterparts from Dow Jones Legal and HR departments in another attempt to negotiate benefits to assist employees affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. Almost seven weeks after presenting union proposals for Covid relief, and over five weeks since first hearing Dow Jones had no response to those proposals, the message remained the same: We have (almost) nothing to negotiate.

During this most recent meeting on Wednesday afternoon, company reps informed the union that Dow Jones is still “working through and dealing with a difficult issue,” but they refused to engage with IAPE proposals on dependent care or internet and equipment allowances, or share information about any possible company plans for employees.

The lone counter-proposal delivered to the union: an offer to finally make the purchase of home gym equipment eligible for reimbursement under the IAPE physical fitness benefit, but purchases made in 2020 would only be reimbursed after January 1, 2021.

The company’s failure to meaningfully negotiate with the union is frustrating, and possibly illegal. IAPE is investigating options to challenge the company’s position. Union representatives would much rather spend time reaching agreement over much-needed assistance for Dow Jones employees, in areas where peer companies like The New York Times and Bloomberg have willingly and generously offered additional compensation to their employees.

As the new IAPE Board of Directors prepares to begin its term of office on December 1, the union will continue to push Dow Jones to recognize that their employees need help. The company keeps telling the union that welfare of Dow Jones employees is “top of mind.” It’s time they proved it.

(Another) Election Day This Week

IAPE Ballots Counted Thursday
The counting of ballots for the 2020 IAPE election and dues referendum will take place starting at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 5 at the offices of the American Arbitration Association in New York. Ballots received by Wednesday, Nov. 4 at 5:00 p.m. will be secured at the offices of the AAA under lock and key. The AAA has guaranteed the security of the ballots at all times.

Once all ballots are counted, results will be delivered to candidates and the IAPE Board of Directors, and the tentative certification from the IAPE Election Committee will be announced to members.

The election certification process is set forth by the constitution of IAPE’s parent union, the Communications Workers of America, which states that, “Absent a challenge to the election, the tentative certification shall become final ten days thereafter.”

Any challenge to the conduct of an election must be filed in writing with the election committee within 10 days of the tentative certification of the results. The election committee shall rule on any challenges and shall within 20 days of the tentative certification of the results make a final determination or certification.

The CWA constitution also provides the opportunity for challengers to appeal to the appropriate geographical vice president of the parent union.

New Term of Office Begins Dec. 1, New Board Meets Dec. 12
The new IAPE president, fellow officers and the rest of the union’s Board of Directors will begin their three-year term of office on Tuesday, Dec. 1. The first meeting of the new Board will be held via Zoom over the Dec. 12 weekend.

Board meetings are open to all IAPE members. Watch the IAPE Events page to register and join the December meeting.

Nine Days: Mail Those Ballots!

Urgent Ballot Reminder
Ballots for the 2020 IAPE referenda must be received by the election administrator, the American Arbitration Association in New York, next Wednesday Nov. 4 by 5 p.m. to be counted. Eligible members are casting two votes, one for the next president of IAPE and the other a YES/NO vote on the elimination of the dues cap. If you have not received a ballot or need a replacement because your ballot has been lost or spoiled, contact Sacha Ulerio at AAA will tally ballots beginning Thursday Nov. 5, and the IAPE Election Committee will announce the results to membership as soon as possible after the count has been completed. For questions about the election contact the IAPE elections committee

IAPE 101 on Wednesday, 2 p.m. ET  
What is a union? How did I end up in one? What are the benefits of being in a union? How does IAPE work? All of these questions and more will be answered at this new member orientation for those brand new to IAPE and veteran members alike

Register here to attend this session and to sign up for a future training. 

Privacy: Who’s Accessing Your Information? 
As Dow Jones continues to roll out Okta Verify with instructions to install the app -- including on personal devices -- in order to connect with company systems, IAPE has asked the company to provide any available information regarding current practices for employee monitoring and information gathering. As a reminder, the Dow Jones Electronic Communications Policy reads, “If you use a Personal Device for Company business, connect a Personal Device to Company Systems, or use a Company Device to access Company Systems (such as logging into a business application from a home computer either at the office, from home, or elsewhere), the Personal Device can be subject to all of the interception, access, examination, and monitoring as Company Systems otherwise discussed in this Policy.”

During last week’s monthly meeting with company representatives -- where IAPE and Dow Jones reps also discussed current grievances and other labor/management issues -- the union pressed for an explanation of how personal devices are monitored during this time of remote work, and why the company has insisted on the use of an app, especially one that is not compatible with some devices. Company representatives informed IAPE they will review these legitimate concerns. Stay tuned.

If you have an issue you believe the union should address with Dow Jones, send it along to

Did You Get Your Ballot?/Mail In Your Ballot!

By now all IAPE members eligible to vote in the 2020 referenda should have received their “OFFICIAL SECRET BALLOT” from the American Arbitration Association, which is administering the union elections. 

The packet includes a pink paper ballot with voting instructions and a portion for members to mark their choice for union president and to cast a YES/NO vote on the proposal to eliminate the dues cap; an envelope marked “SECRET BALLOT” for the completed ballot; and a business reply envelope to mail the voting package back to AAA in New York by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday Nov. 4. 

The ballot should contain no marks that would identify the voter. We are encouraging members, especially those who reside outside of the New York area, to put their ballots in the mail as soon as possible to ensure they arrive at AAA by the deadline. 

If you have not received a ballot or need a replacement because your ballot has been lost or spoiled, contact Sacha Ulerio at


For questions about the election of officers or voting eligibility, contact the IAPE elections committee.  To learn more about the candidates for IAPE president visit the election blog for ways to connect and to read personal statements from each. For more information about the campaign to eliminate the dues cap, visit the FAQ or reach out to the union office to arrange a meeting with one of our stewards to hear more about this measure and why the IAPE board is strongly recommending a YES vote.

Dow Jones Knows How You Are, Delays Added Assistance Anyway

IAPE met with Dow Jones representatives yesterday expecting to engage in a constructive dialogue after the union presented a reasonable set of proposals to address the extraordinary burdens employees are experiencing while working from home during the pandemic. 

After all, the company is required to negotiate with IAPE regarding matters that affect the working conditions of our represented employees, which make up a significant portion of the Dow Jones workforce. 

Unfortunately, Dow Jones representatives weren’t able to provide a response to the union’s demands or any insight as to why—despite its dedicated committee, a consultant, four employee surveys, and months and months and months of meetings—senior management has failed to provide any updated solutions for dependent care and office equipment since what was offered in the beginning of the pandemic.

Meanwhile, our counterparts at The New York Times, Bloomberg, The Washington Post and others have received hundreds of dollars more for equipment and have been able to access added support for dependent care throughout the pandemic, in one case through the same third-party provider that Dow Jones uses. 

Dow Jones has historically offered employees assigned to work from home full-time $40 a month towards the cost of Internet connection. Two days after IAPE delivered a demand for negotiations over Covid benefits, Dow Jones extended this monthly payment to California employees while acknowledging state law requires employers to cover the cost of certain items for employees required to work from their homes.

IAPE thinks it is only fair for Dow Jones to appropriately recognize the hardships faced by all employees by granting everyone access to the broadband allowance, and by meeting the other demands in our proposals calling for enhanced dependent care support, an increased equipment allowance and expansion of reimbursable items under the physical fitness program.

Investing in Equity: The Numbers; Debate Reminder, Covid Impact Negotiations

Investing in Equity: The Numbers
By now the overwhelming majority of members have personally heard from an IAPE steward about the campaign to eliminate the cap on our dues so that everyone contributes the same 0.7% rate of their pay for union representation. IAPE’s dues rate is the lowest among our peers by nearly half, and the dues cap has created a structure where lower paid members pay a higher portion of their wages to IAPE. Anyone who currently makes less than $81,862 a year, about 44% of our membership, will not see a change to their dues if this measure passes. About one-third of those who will be affected would see an increase of less than $5 per pay period. (See the dues calculator to see how you would be affected.) Eliminating the dues cap is about each union member paying a fair share. The board is strongly encouraging a YES vote. 

IAPE Presidential Debate on Thursday
The IAPE Elections Committee is holding a debate between candidates for union president Jodi Green and Stephen Nakrosis on Thursday at 2 p.m. ET via Zoom. Members can register for the debate on the IAPE events page. Meeting information will be emailed to registered attendees via calendar invite the day before the event. Registration will remain open until the debate starts. Members who aren’t able to attend can submit questions for the candidates to the Elections Committee. Visit the elections page for more information on the debate and the candidates.  

Covid Impact Negotiations Tuesday 
IAPE and Dow Jones representatives are scheduled to meet tomorrow afternoon and we expect to receive the company’s response to our proposals requesting added dependent care support, a broadband allowance for all employees, an increased equipment allowance and expansion of reimbursable items under the physical fitness program. 

We appreciate all the members who have used the feedback form to share personal experiences about the specific issues they are facing while working from home during the pandemic. These stories are especially important for IAPE to represent at the table as we push for more support for the expenditures people are making to continue to do the best work they can for Dow Jones. Stay tuned for an update after the meeting.

Did You Get Your Ballot? 
The American Arbitration Association mailed ballots for the 2020 IAPE referenda—the election of a new president and the elimination of the dues cap—Oct. 5 via mail to eligible members (those who were paying dues as of Sept. 21). Ballots must be returned to AAA’s headquarters in New York by 5 p.m. on Wednesday Nov. 4. to be counted. IAPE WILL NOT HANDLE ANY BALLOTS OR REQUESTS FOR BALLOTS. Voters with missing or damaged ballots should contact AAA’s Duplicate Hotline 1-800-529-5218 Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to request replacements. This number is to be utilized only for duplicate ballot requests. Members may also make requests by emailing requests to Sacha Ulerio at Questions about voter eligibility can be directed to IAPE’s elections committee. 

Ballots are due back to AAA by Nov. 4. In previous emails, we erroneously listed Nov. 5 as the ballot deadline, which is the date AAA will begin counting returned ballots.