IAPE Town Hall Reminder

IAPE members, if you have not had an opportunity to attend one of our contract town hall meetings, we still have three sessions scheduled this week:

  • TODAY Aug. 29, 1:00 p.m. EDT

  • TODAY Aug. 29, 7:00 p.m. EDT

  • Thursday, Sept. 1, 10:30 a.m. EDT

Following a brief presentation during each session, IAPE representatives will be available to answer all questions. If you have not voted on the IAPE/DJ tentative agreement yet—or even if you have and you still have questions you’d like to ask—please join us!

Register to attend on the IAPE Events Page: https://engage.iape1096.org/iape-upcoming-events.html 

Contract Voting Begins Today

Voting begins today, Friday, Aug. 26 on the 2022 tentative agreement for a one-year contract between IAPE and Dow Jones. Email ballots will be delivered to all eligible voters—those who were members in good standing as of Aug. 18—by IAPE’s election provider, TrueBallot Inc.

Check your inbox for an invitation from vote@trueballot.com. A step-by-step voting guide is available on the IAPE website Elections page. The deadline to vote in this election is Friday, Sept. 9 at 12:00 p.m. EDT.

The new contract, covering the period from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, provides—among other agreements—a salary increase of 4% for eligible IAPE-represented employees retroactive to July 1, with a minimum raise of $40 per week, as well as a lump-sum payment equal to 1% of pay as of June 30, 2022, with a minimum of $1,000 USD. Wages will again be increased by 0.5% effective January 1, 2023.

While the compensation agreements will not apply to individuals hired after May 1, 2022, all other contract terms including an increase to the physical fitness benefit, an extra paid holiday, and a freeze on healthcare costs will apply to all IAPE-represented employees.

The IAPE Board of Directors recommends a YES vote.

If you have issues with your ballot please email, elections@iape1096.org for assistance.

Join us for TA Talk!
This week, the IAPE Bargaining Committee has been holding town hall meetings to discuss the new tentative agreement. If you haven’t had an opportunity to attend, you can still join one of four remaining sessions:

  • TODAY >> Friday, August 26, 12:00 p.m.

  • Monday, August 29, 1:00 p.m.

  • Monday, August 29, 7:00 p.m.

  • Thursday, September 1, 10:30 a.m.

(All times EDT)

Meetings are conducted via Zoom. To attend, you must register in advance through the events page on the IAPE website. A meeting link will be emailed to you prior to the date and time of the town hall you choose.

Each town hall session consists of a short presentation explaining why the union’s Directors have recommended voting YES on this agreement, followed by plenty of time for questions and comments.

Please email union@iape1096.org if you have any issues registering or if you have questions about the TA, but are unable to attend a town hall meeting.

Double-Checking RTO Dates
A keen-eyed member in B2B alerted IAPE to a return-to-office date she thought ran afoul of the agreement between IAPE and Dow Jones requiring at least 45 days’ advance notice of any change to the number of in-office working dates.

Following required notice from B2B head Frank Filippo on Aug. 17, employees in the member’s department received an email from their manager summoning them to return to work on Sept. 5. She immediately notified IAPE, the union raised the matter during a Labor/Management Committee meeting with Dow Jones, and the return date for her group was corrected to Oct. 3.

If you notice changes to your department’s required number of in-office days without at least 45 days’ advance notice, let us know! Deliver any RTO questions, comments or concerns to union@iape1096.org.

Let’s Talk About the TA

The IAPE Bargaining Committee has scheduled a series of town hall meetings to discuss the tentative agreement for a new contract between IAPE and Dow Jones. Meetings will be conducted via Zoom and held on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, August 23, 7:00 p.m.

  • Wednesday, August 24, 10:30 a.m.

  • Thursday, August 25, 3:30 p.m.

  • Friday, August 26, 12:00 p.m.

  • Monday, August 29, 1:00 p.m.

  • Monday, August 29, 7:00 p.m.

  • Thursday, September 1, 10:30 a.m.

(All times EDT)

Each session is scheduled for one hour and will consist of a short presentation explaining why the union’s Board of Directors has recommended voting yes on this agreement. The sessions will also include question and answer periods. To attend, you must register in advance through the events page on the IAPE website. A meeting link will be emailed to you prior to the date and time of the town hall you choose. Please email us at union@iape1096.org if you have any issues registering.

Get Ready to Cast Your Vote
The ratification vote for this tentative agreement will be conducted online and will be administered by TrueBallot Inc. Rules for this ratification vote have been posted on the IAPE website, and will be emailed to all IAPE-represented employees.

All members who were considered in good standing as of August 18, 2022—the date the tentative agreement was signed—will be eligible to vote in this ratification election. Voting credentials will be emailed on Friday, August 26, 2022. Members must vote before Friday, September 9, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. EDT.

A simple majority of votes cast will determine whether the tentative agreement is approved or rejected by IAPE members.

Join us for Steward 101!
While you’re browsing our events page and choosing the best town hall meeting time for you, register for our Steward 101 class scheduled for this Wednesday, August 24 at 1:00 p.m. EDT.

Steward 101 is a great opportunity to learn more about becoming a point of contact for IAPE and taking a step toward becoming an IAPE leader! In this class, we’ll cover the role of a steward as a mobilizer and educator. If you’ve ever considered volunteering some time to work on union issues, participating in Steward 101 is the class for you!

IAPE & Dow Jones Agree on One-Year Contract

PRINCETON, NJ -- The Independent Association of Publishers’ Employees (IAPE), Local 1096 of The Newspaper Guild – Communications Workers of America, has reached a tentative agreement with Dow Jones & Company on a new one-year collective bargaining agreement covering more than 1,300 employees across the United States and in Canada.

The deal, agreed to by representatives of the Union and the Company, has been approved by the Board of Directors of Local 1096, and will be presented to IAPE members for a ratification vote later this month. The IAPE Board recommends a “yes” vote.

The new agreement, covering the period from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, provides a salary increase of 4% for all IAPE-represented employees retroactive to July 1, with a minimum raise of $40 per week, as well as a lump-sum payment equal to 1% of pay as of June 30, 2022, with a minimum of $1,000 USD. Wages will again be increased by 0.5% effective January 1, 2023.

The pay increases won’t fully offset the effects of inflation for all employees covered by the IAPE contract. They also fall short of initial Union proposals drafted in response to members’ contribution to the Company's recent stellar financial results. However, the compensation agreement will provide a greater benefit for lower-wage earners.

Additional introductory pay scale adjustments will result in immediate pay increases in excess of 8% for some, with total compensation—pay increases and lump sum amounts—equaling as much as 11.5% of 2022 pay.

The tentative contract includes an extension of the company’s 2022 health insurance plans and a freeze of health insurance premium rates and other out-of-pocket costs for all members of the bargaining unit for 2023.

The Union also proposed language surrounding cost for travel for reproductive medical procedures, including abortion. While that language is not included in the CBA, it is important to note that the Company confirmed that current medical plans cover travel for procedures over 100 miles away from an employee’s residence.

IAPE and Dow Jones also settled remaining return-to-office issues, with the Company agreeing to provide the Union 45 days’ advance notice of any intention to increase in-office working days and 30 days’ notice of changes to the existing Covid vaccination policy.

Other contract changes tentatively agreed to include: an increase in the physical fitness reimbursement program to $700 per year, up from $600, as well as an agreement to make contract language gender neutral and the inclusion of Juneteenth and Truth and Reconciliation Day holidays for employees in the United States and Canada, respectively.

While we have reached an agreement for the next year, our work is never done. IAPE will begin preparing for the next round of negotiations for a contract beginning in 2023 with the hopes of continuing to improve pay, protections, and working conditions for our members. 

In Solidarity! 

*            *            *

The Independent Association of Publishers’ Employees represents more than 1,300 journalists, technology staff, sales professionals, and administrative, production and support staffers at The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones Newswires, MarketWatch, Barron's, Factiva, and other DJ products. 

Joint Statement: IAPE & Dow Jones Tentatively Agree To One-Year Contract

New York, NY (August 18, 2022) — The Independent Association of Publishers' Employees (IAPE), Local 1096 of The NewsGuild - Communications Workers of America and Dow Jones & Company have reached a tentative deal on a new, one-year collective bargaining agreement covering more than 1,300 employees across the United States and in Canada. The deal, agreed to by representatives of the Union and the Company, has been approved by the elected Board of Directors of IAPE and will be presented to Union members for a ratification vote in the coming weeks.

The tentative agreement (succeeding the prior agreement that expired on June 30, 2022) provides a 4% wage increase (with a minimum increase of $40/week) as well as a 1% lump sum payment, effective July 1, 2022. It also provides an additional 0.5% wage increase, effective January 1, 2023.

The agreement includes an extension of the Company's 2022 health insurance plan through 2023 with a freeze of health insurance premium rates, deductibles, copayments and other plan terms for all IAPE-represented employees in the United States.


For Dow Jones
Matt Reichman

Tim Martell

What’s up With the Contract?

IAPE and Dow Jones bargaining teams have continued to hold off-the-record discussions since our last update. In fact, we were hopeful we would have news to share later today, which is why we postponed this morning’s scheduled “Coffee Talk.”

As it turns out, we’ll return to the bargaining table tomorrow afternoon, where we once again will push for the real wage increases IAPE members deserve.

Should be easy, right? After all, Robert Thomson says, “Dow Jones has prospered, more than doubling its segment EBITDA to $433 million in just the past 3 years.” Sadly, IAPE negotiators know all too well that squeezing pay increases out of Dow Jones management is never easy, even when it has “achieved its highest full year revenues and Segment EBITDA since its acquisition” by News Corp.

So, stay tuned for more news. In the meantime, if you would like to show your support for your colleagues on the IAPE committee, consider changing your profile pics and avatars to our new, “We’re the People Behind the Profits” option. It’s also a message that you can tweet, like and share.

Get Your T-Shirt Yet? 
IAPE merchandise orders have been shipped and have started to arrive in member mailboxes. Have you received yours? We’d love to see your photos of IAPE shirts, buttons and water bottles—email yours to union@iape1096.org and we’ll share our favorites on IAPE social media.

Didn’t get a chance to request a promo code or order a swag kit? We’ll have a limited number of extras that we’ll be able to ship—t-shirt sizes are limited to medium, large or x-large—email a request and we’ll have a package out to you as quickly as we can.

Thursday: Coffee Talk

IAPE members, last week’s inaugural coffee talk gathering was relatively well received, so we’ve decided to make this a regular thing. Please join us Thursday morning at 10:00 a.m. EDT for a brief update about all things IAPE.

Curious about contract talks? Like to know about labor/management issues? Got a gripe to share? Grab your favorite morning beverage and stop by. We’ll have some updates from the IAPE bargaining committee and we’ll open the floor for questions from members.

To join, register on the IAPE Events Page.

Tied up Thursday, but still interested in knowing more about Dow Jones negotiations? While we’re still meeting with the company in off-the-record sessions and can’t share specific proposals, we can talk about contract concepts and we’d love to hear your questions or concerns. Drop us a line, or reach out to your local IAPE Director.

Tomorrow: Steward 201
Also on the Events Page: your chance to find out more about joining the ranks of IAPE stewards. Register for Steward 201, a one-hour class discussing representation of members during investigatory and disciplinary meetings. You’ll also have a chance to participate in mock meetings so you know what to expect.

Interested in learning how to assist your fellow members? Join us tomorrow!

Bargaining Today, Updates Tomorrow

The IAPE bargaining committee returns to the contract table today to meet again with counterparts from Dow Jones. Negotiations are still in the “off-the-record” stage, though we hope to be able to report news about the possibility of a contract, and your 2022 pay increase, very soon.

In the meantime, we have two events you may be interested in attending tomorrow. The first is our inaugural IAPE “Coffee Talk” gathering, scheduled for 10:00 a.m. EDT. Join your fellow members and hear updates from IAPE representatives who will talk about contract negotiations and other Dow Jones & IAPE matters. We’ll also have plenty of time for Q&A. Grab your favorite work beverage and join us! See our Events Page for registration details.

And while you’re on our Events page, consider joining our Steward 101 class – we’re always looking for new leaders! If you have ever considered becoming a more active IAPE member, or you’d like to learn more about becoming a department contact for union news, this half-hour Zoom class is a great way to dip your toe into IAPE waters. Set aside some time at 1:00 p.m. EDT and find out more about being an IAPE steward!

Contract Update: OTR Talks Continue

IAPE and Dow Jones bargaining teams met Thursday for off-the-record negotiations—as we indicated would take place in our last update—and plan to resume confidential discussions when they meet again tomorrow morning. While the union and the company have agreed not to report details from last week’s off-record session, the fact that another meeting is scheduled for tomorrow is an indication that the talks were productive.

IAPE and Dow Jones did trade formal, written proposals and supporting documents prior to beginning off-the-record negotiations. You can review all those items on our Bargaining 2022 page.

Protecting Access to Reproductive Healthcare
Among the items on that page is the union’s opening proposal from June 23, in which IAPE proposed that Dow Jones should cover travel expenses for employees and dependents who need to travel out of state to access reproductive health care.

The company’s answer: we already do.

When covered services—including abortion—are not available within 100 miles of an employee’s home, the company will reimburse travel costs and a portion of lodging expenses.  Covered travel expenses include coach airfare, bus/train fare, mileage driven in a personal car, tolls and parking fees. Lodging will be reimbursed up to $50 per patient, or $100 when a patient is traveling with a companion, such as a spouse or a partner.

On July 12, IAPE modified its proposal to reduce the travel reimbursement threshold to 50 miles. Regardless, we want to make sure all members are aware of this benefit.

Wednesday: Contract 101
To find out more about contract negotiations, join us for a special edition of Contract 101 on Wednesday, July 20 at 2:00 p.m. EDT. Register on the IAPE Events Page to join this Zoom update.

Contract 101 usually takes a close look at specific sections of the collective agreement between IAPE and Dow Jones. This week, we’ll touch on the basics of negotiations and provide as much of an update as we can about 2022 contract talks. We’ll also have plenty of time for Q&A. Join us!

Who Wants to be a Steward?
While you’re visiting the IAPE Events page, please also consider joining our Steward 101 and 201 classes. A strong steward structure is vital to the success of union negotiations, and we’re always on the lookout for new IAPE volunteers.

Register for Steward 201 on Wednesday or 101 on July 27. Both classes will start at 1:00 p.m. EDT. For more information, please contact IAPE staff representative Marlena Fitzpatrick.

Where’s My Union T-Shirt?
If you received your IAPE promo code for free swag and placed your order last month, and you’re wondering where your IAPE items are, you’re not alone.

While confirmation emails claimed that orders would be delivered “in approximately 10 to 15 days,” production delays have pushed delivery dates closer to the end of this month.

Once our vendor begins shipping individual orders, tracking numbers should be emailed to all recipients. Watch your inbox, and we’ll keep you posted with any delivery updates as they become available.

Contract Update: Let’s Make a One-Year Deal

The IAPE contract team returned to the bargaining table yesterday and presented Dow Jones with a new proposal for a one-year contract. The union opted to take Dow Jones up on its offer to focus on a limited number of issues in an attempt to reach agreement on a contract through June 30, 2023. The company delivered its one-year proposal to the union on June 23.

Neither the company nor the union offered proposals for pay increases yesterday. However, Dow Jones representatives responded favorably to the union’s sincere attempt to negotiate an acceptable agreement. In that spirit, management proposed making our next bargaining meeting—scheduled for tomorrow afternoon—an off-the-record session.

IAPE has agreed to that request.

Meeting off-the-record allows both sides to speak freely about the most important items currently on the table, like meaningful wage increases, without any public disclosure of our respective positions. If discussions are productive, it is possible IAPE and Dow Jones will be able to sketch out a path toward an agreement, return to on-the-record meetings and report out details of those talks.

If negotiations are not productive, both IAPE and Dow Jones reserve the right to revert to earlier proposals.

The IAPE document presented yesterday makes clear that the union’s primary economic concern is a meaningful wage increase. The union opted to forgo proposals for adjustments to introductory pay scales and items like shift differential and standby pay.

IAPE’s new proposal notes possible tentative agreements—items from earlier discussions the company indicated it would be willing to accept—like the adding of new holidays to the contract and an increase to our annual physical fitness benefit, from $600 to $700.

The proposal retains key elements of the union’s previous return-to-office proposals, including flexible return dates for employees who have relocated and severance pay for employees who request, but are denied, permanent remote assignments. IAPE indicated a willingness to accept many of the company’s RTO business unit plans, but has maintained a proposal for technology staff in the Experience division to be classified as fully remote.

In response to a draft Flexible Work Policy document, intended to replace the current Work Anywhere policy, the union proposed a $240 annual stipend for hybrid workers. The payment matches a monthly sum offered to “hot desk” employees under the current plan.

We likely will not have details to share after tomorrow’s meeting, but we’ll let you know if talks are scheduled to continue. Stay tuned . . .

FACT-CHECK: Is IAPE standing in the way of employees who wish to return to in-office work? Not by a longshot. IAPE supports each member's right to work in the way that makes sense for them, whether that's in-office, hybrid or remote. Different members have different needs, based on location, dependent care, health concerns and other factors, and we are working to ensure that more choice remains with the person most directly affected: You.