We’re taking advantage of a lull in return-to-office negotiations (or, our attempts to negotiate with the company) and catching up on some other IAPE news today. We have added a new staff member, we have our annual reminder about performance evaluations and we have some news you may have missed about telehealth appointments. Please also read on for a holiday pay reminder, an invitation to join IAPE’s steward ranks and some tips on negotiating for a merit pay raise. It’s IAPE update day!
IAPE Welcomes Marissa Dadiw!
IAPE TNG/CWA Local 1096 is pleased to announce the hiring of Marissa Dadiw as a full-time organizer to bolster union membership.
This position was made possible through funding by IAPE parent unions, The NewsGuild and the Communications Workers of America. IAPE will be responsible for providing benefits and payment of employer taxes. IAPE’s Board of Directors approved the addition of Marissa to IAPE staff by a majority vote (9-7 with 3 abstentions).
Marissa will be responsible for identifying non-union areas of Dow Jones and News Corp interested in IAPE representation. She will also work with TNG organizers as they continue to unionize throughout peer media outlets and other previously underrepresented industries.
Originally from California, Marissa is a communications professional with a background in book publishing. Following three years as a volunteer member organizer with TNG, she worked in New York for the News Media Guild, a local who represents our union siblings at Associated Press, The Guardian US, and other outlets. Marissa worked as an NMG organizer for two years and helped bring in three new units to the local. Most notably, she assisted staff at her former employer, Oxford University Press, form a union and join The Guild last year.
Welcome to IAPE, Marissa!
Guidance for Goal Discussions and Performance Reviews
As Dow Jones departments and managers move ahead with year-end performance conversations, IAPE members are once again reaching out to the union office for guidance.
So, here’s our annual reminder: all IAPE-represented employees may decline self-assessments, self-ratings, and department feedback requests. Dow Jones has confirmed for IAPE that, “Employee self-reflection remains optional but strongly encouraged,” and that self-ratings are also optional.
As we have said before, if you want to rate yourself or offer comments about your achievements over the past year, feel free. Nobody will do a better job of singing your own praises than you. But beware: any critical notes you provide may be held against you in your manager’s final assessment of your performance.
If you have any questions or concerns about performance discussions with your manager, please let us know, or contact your local IAPE representative.
ICYMI: Telehealth Benefits Extended
If you didn’t read all the way to the bottom of last Friday’s benefits email from Dow Jones, you may have missed this news: “In response to recent legal developments relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, News Corp has made additional temporary changes to benefits offered under the News Corp Comprehensive Health, Welfare and Cafeteria Plan and the News Corp Retiree Medical Plan.”
The linked notice, updated this month, describes new temporary coverage of eligible over-the-counter COVID-19 tests and additional temporary coverage for telehealth visits.
If you or your dependents are covered under one of News Corp’s Aetna medical plans, you will not be required to pay any cost for covered telemedicine visits that occur on or after April 1, 2022 and before January 1, 2023.
Happy Holidays – File for Your Pay!
Monday is Memorial Day, and for IAPE-represented employees working in the United States, a holiday recognized by the IAPE/DJ contract. We hope you are able to enjoy a safe and happy long weekend with family and friends. However, if you are required to work on Monday, you are entitled to Holiday Pay: time and one-half for any regularly scheduled hours, and double-time for any hours in excess of your regular day (plus another day off, or an additional day's pay—at the discretion of the Company).
Similarly, Monday, May 23 was Victoria Day, a holiday for our members in Canada. IAPE-represented employees in Canadian locations who were required to work on Monday are entitled to the same Holiday Pay benefits described above.
Holiday Pay must be claimed via the Company’s Workday system; if you encounter any difficulty in filing for additional compensation via Workday, please let us know and we’ll help you get paid for the time you worked.
Next Week: Steward 101
With contract negotiations set to begin soon, IAPE is looking to bolster its steward ranks. What’s a union steward? A steward can be IAPE’s eyes and ears in a department, sharing union and workplace information with members or with IAPE’s elected representatives and staff. A steward might help organize union events and activities or participate in committee planning. Stewards even assist other members during meetings with management and Human Resources!
If you’re interested in becoming an IAPE steward, we invite you to join us Wednesday, June 1, at 2:00 p.m. EDT, for our Steward 101 class. This half-hour Zoom presentation is a great way for union members to learn more about the next level of IAPE participation.
Register on the IAPE Events page. Do you have questions about becoming a steward, but you aren’t available to attend next week’s class? Reach out to IAPE rep Marlena Fitzpatrick for some individual Q&A!
Compensation Questions? Get a Pay Review!
Have you been thinking of approaching your boss to have a conversation about your pay? Ever wonder how your salary compares to peers in your department? The IAPE pay review might be a helpful tool for you. Using information available to the union, your IAPE reviewer may be able to provide you with a closer look at your rate of pay relative to fellow members in the same title, department, location, hire date range and even age range.
If you’re thinking of asking for a merit raise this year, consider an in-depth look at your rate of pay before meeting with your manager. Request your own salary analysis by emailing payreview@iape1096.org.