How do you Identify?


  • Take two minutes to help IAPE gather important demographic data

  • See below for this week’s contract survey: retirement savings

  • Results from our performance evaluations survey

How do you Identify?
The collective agreement between IAPE and Dow Jones requires that the company provide the union with certain information about the union-represented population, but the data management provides are limited to the basics: job details—like title, department and salary—date of birth, race and ethnicity and very basic gender information.

While these data points are helpful when we conduct our individual pay reviews or larger studies of pay disparities, additional information for deeper dives into Dow Jones employment trends—including pay and staffing decisions—would be helpful. That’s where you come in.

Today, we’re asking how you identify. This short survey—see your email for a link, just two questions, plus two short-answer sections to elaborate if you wish—marks IAPE’s first attempt to gather more complete data about the union-represented workforce. Please take two minutes to respond. And thanks!

IAPE Contract Survey: Retirement Savings
In case you missed Friday’s note, this week we also would like to know how you feel about the Dow Jones retirement savings plan. Do you contribute enough to receive a full match from Dow Jones? Are you a pre-tax or Roth post-tax contributor? How would you like to see Dow Jones change the plan? Take this week’s contract survey (see your email for a link) and let us know.

Survey Results: Performance Evaluations
Based on responses from approximately 10% of the IAPE-represented population, 84% of current members received a performance evaluation in 2022, but only 64% believe their rating accurately reflects their performance. And 20% of members say their manager failed to explain how performance evaluations are used.

We give Dow Jones a “needs improvement” on its ratings system.

Thanks to all who responded to last week’s survey, and our prior questionnaires: