Help Wanted: Join the IAPE BOD

The IAPE Board of Directors has vacancies available to be filled immediately by union members in good standing. Currently, the IAPE Board has openings for the positions of Classification Director - News, Classification Director - Technology and Classification Director - Sales/Administrative, as well as an opening for a Location Director in our Southwest region, covering the area within and around Texas and southern California.

Duties of an IAPE director are described in detail in the union’s Bylaws.

To summarize, IAPE board members are the collective voice for union members on matters of union governance including: 

  • How to respond to workplace issues and company announcements

  • How IAPE spends money 

  • Whether to proceed to arbitration on grievance matters

Directors raise member issues with their board colleagues and bring relevant union information back to their constituents.

IAPE directors are also responsible for working with President Jodi Green and union staff in developing proposals for contract negotiations—some even serve on the IAPE Bargaining Committee.

Mid-term vacancies on the IAPE board may be filled by appointment of current directors. Individuals appointed to any of these vacancies will be eligible to serve the remainder of the current term, which expires on Nov. 30 of this year. Nominations for 2023 elections will open in June, so think of this interim period as a try-out to see if you might be interested in running for union election later this year!

The IAPE board currently meets virtually for a one-hour meeting once each month. A slightly-more-detailed, biannual, in-person (when possible) meeting is held in the spring and fall of each year. Between-meeting discussions on issues (of varying degrees of importance) are generally conducted via a Signal group channel.

If you are interested in volunteering for the classification vacancy relevant to your job title, or if you work in the Southwest region and would like to be the regional rep, please email to arrange a meeting to discuss these representative roles.

Still Open: IAPE Survey on Retirement Savings
In case you haven’t responded to our survey on the Dow Jones retirement savings program—and based on survey results thus far, that’s almost all of you—we’re going to keep this latest contract survey open for another week. Please take a few minutes to tell us how you would like Dow Jones to change the current plan! See your email for a survey link.

This week’s survey is formatted differently from earlier questionnaires, but still won’t require much of your time. After the initial two questions about your length of service and Dow Jones business unit, we’re seeking your multiple choice feedback on six questions about retirement savings, followed by a, “what changes would you like to see” short answer question.

All responses—on this and all contract surveys—help your union as we develop proposals for 2023 contract negotiations with Dow Jones.