IAPE Members Call on Dow Jones Leadership to Hold OpenAI Town Hall

Read and sign our open letter to Dow Jones here

In May, News Corp inked a $250 million deal with OpenAI. At the time, corporate announcements about the new partnership were long on hype and woefully short on details of how the influence of OpenAI might impact employees.

That hasn’t changed.

Months later, throughout Dow Jones, employees are encouraged to use new artificial intelligence tools and development has been underway on projects, but we still have not seen any meaningful information on how the company plans to use AI that could affect the jobs of IAPE members. 

You deserve to know how the OpenAI partnership will affect your job. Sign the IAPE open letter calling for a town hall to answer members’ important questions.

The letter calls on management to “offer a transparent roadmap for any changes.” IAPE members are encouraged to sign this open letter. To add your name, click here

We look forward to management’s response.

Steward Training: Union Representation and Legal Rights
Tomorrow evening, IAPE members have another chance to learn more about becoming a union steward. In this next class, IAPE activists will discuss specific legal rights of stewards and their roles as union representatives. Class participants will practice member advocacy and will learn about IAPE’s processes for defending members against discipline, including how the grievance process can be used to our advantage.

This Zoom class will begin Thursday, Aug. 29, at 7:00 p.m. EDT. Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUpcuitrTkvHdCg5uTObFSYjnmkBh6-6Yi-

Support For Law360 Guild Members!
Law360 Union is preparing for a potential open-ended Unfair Labor Practice strike in September and would love the support of fellow Guild members! IAPE members are invited to a Zoom rally tonight at 7:00 p.m. EDT where Law360 members will talk about their campaign and share solidarity with their union siblings.

To attend, register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYtdumgqT4qGN1HyEZ2ODzPVx2pYZJPl77S