Union Representation and Legal Rights

Another IAPE steward training opportunity!

Next Thursday, Aug. 29 IAPE members have another chance to learn more about becoming a union steward. In this next class, IAPE activists will discuss specific legal rights of stewards and their roles as union representatives. Class participants will practice member advocacy and will learn about the details of IAPE’s processes for defending members against discipline, including how the grievance process can be used to our advantage.

This Zoom class will begin next Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. EDT. Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUpcuitrTkvHdCg5uTObFSYjnmkBh6-6Yi-

The NewsGuild Strike School Wants You!
The NewsGuild's third annual Strike School is coming up in a little over a month, and it’s bigger and better than ever!

In recent years, more and more Guild members, including IAPE members, have engaged in collective actions up to and including work stoppages. In 2022, Guild members at 23 shops struck for one day or longer, in 2023, 36 bargaining units shut their workplaces down, and now, just halfway through 2024, 34 workplaces have struck! TNG is building a culture of being a striking union. Because of that, the Guild is excited to announce that on Saturday, Sept. 28, they will be hosting a NewsGuild-CWA union-wide Strike School.

This day-long training will be an opportunity to hear from fellow workers who have been on strike, learn practical skills necessary to prepare our unit, and workshop IAPE’s escalation and organizing plan. Even though our new contract with Dow Jones remains in effect through June of 2027, it is never too early to learn what a strike is all about. IAPE members are encouraged to join!

This class is scheduled to run from 12:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. EDT on Saturday, Sept. 28. Virtual and in-person options will be available – stay tuned for details to follow!

The deadline to register for this event is Sept. 27 at 8:00 p.m. EDT. Register directly with TNG at https://forms.gle/6yifL4QJnBaseTYJ6.