Bargaining Update: Company Responds on AI
/IAPE received a brief proposal from Dow Jones during today’s contract negotiation session, responding to the union’s position on the impact of artificial intelligence. Management’s AI proposal contains three components:
Introduction of AI will be subject to the same advance notice and training requirements as other new technology
Voices of bargaining unit employees will not be used to create voicebanks that would allow an article to be read in any bargaining unit employee’s voice without the employee's specific consent
Employees who lose their jobs as a result of automation or any new technology will receive four additional weeks of severance pay
While the voicebank portion of today’s company proposal addresses concerns expressed by IAPE members on podcast and audio teams, the rest of the company’s offer falls short of last week’s IAPE proposal.
Dow Jones representatives said the company believes the union’s proposal—to prevent AI from being used to perform work that is editorial in nature—is too restrictive.
IAPE and Dow Jones discussed job security, health care coverage and other contract topics, but did not trade any additional proposals today. Management expressed frustration that IAPE has continued to propose annual wage increases of 12%, 8% and 8%. Union negotiators noted that the current company proposal of 3% pay raises per year for 2023, 2024 and 2025 falls well short of IAPE member expectations.
Negotiations resume on Thursday.
Blocked Email? Check Proofpoint
If you’re wondering why you’ve received this update at your personal email address, but not in your Dow Jones inbox, check your Proofpoint app to make sure email from IAPE is not being blocked by company email filters.
Dow Jones suggests following this process for releasing blocked email:
Review your Daily Email Digest each day, ensuring any needed emails that have been flagged as Bulk are released from quarantine (Click "Release") and that the users are added to your Safe Senders (Click "Allow Sender") list in Proofpoint.
Periodically review your Proofpoint Quarantine in real time by clicking the Proofpoint Quarantine tile in OKTA. You can release emails and allow (or block) senders here as well.
Access the Proofpoint User Guide and FAQ for more details.
Strike School
On Saturday, Sept. 30, IAPE’s parent unions The NewsGuild (TNG) and the Communications Workers of America (CWA) hosted a hybrid-style Strike School, which included panels and workshops with union locals who have been on strike or are preparing to strike. IAPE staff and members joined over 200 attendees from across the United States and Canada discussing topics including escalating collective actions, the process for strike approval, and strike funds.
One of the guiding principles of Strike School is “Learn, Do, Teach" which encourages participants to take the training back to their locals and members. As IAPE continues this round of negotiations with Dow Jones, representatives are working on adapting the materials from Strike School for IAPE to build collective power.
See your email for a short questionnaire about your interest in attending IAPE Strike School.