Thanks for Supporting our Photo Editors

National Labor Relations Board hearings into IAPE’s petition to represent WSJ Photo Editors have concluded. The union and the company must submit post-hearing briefs by Dec. 2, and then we’ll wait for the NLRB to issue a ruling on whether Photo Editors can hold an election for IAPE representation.

IAPE leadership and WSJ Photo Editors would like to thank all members who joined the video stream of this week’s hearings, and we would like to send a HUGE thank you to all who took the time to send an email urging WSJ management to recognize Photo Editors as union-eligible employees. If you haven’t yet, please sign and send today. At this moment, almost 1,000 letters have been delivered!

Fitness Reimbursement Deadline Nov. 30
Yesterday’s monthly benefits newsletter from News Corp contained lots of useful information about health savings accounts, flexible spending accounts and other employee benefits, with reminders to submit expenses before annual deadlines arrive. Noticeably absent from yesterday’s email was any reminder for IAPE-represented employees to submit physical fitness expenses before Nov. 30.

As a union-represented employee, you can be reimbursed for up to $600 of the employee-only costs of physical fitness activities and memberships ranging from health club memberships and personal trainers to entry fees for road races and tennis court fees. Beginning in 2023, that annual reimbursement limit increases to $700.

Expenses must be submitted to WageWorks by Nov. 30 in order to be reimbursed by the end of the calendar year. Any expenses submitted after Nov. 30 will count toward the maximum benefit payable for 2023.

You may file for reimbursement by logging into and submitting your request or by completing a reimbursement request form, available on the HR Hub.

Let’s Talk About Comp Time
Join us on Nov. 30 for the next presentation of IAPE Contract 101, when we will explain all forms of “extra” compensation contained in our collective agreement: standby pay, shift differential, holiday pay, overtime and the form of compensation we probably receive more questions about than any other, comp time.

Comp time is payable to any employee with a title considered overtime-exempt—including Reporters, Special Writers and Senior Special Writers—when work is assigned and performed on scheduled days off.

A special shout out to US News staff assigned to occasional weekend duty: if you’re required to perform work on Saturdays or Sundays, you’re entitled to receive comp time!

See our overtime and comp time advisories on the IAPE website for details, and register to attend Contract 101 to learn more!