Wednesday: Support the HarperCollins Union

Rally Outside 1211 AOA at 12:30 p.m.

IAPE is a proud supporter of our striking News Corp siblings at HarperCollins. Wednesday will mark 50 days since members of HarperCollins Union, UAW Local 2110 walked off the job. To call attention to their fight for a fair contract, those members will hold a rally outside News Corp headquarters starting at 12:30 p.m.

Any IAPE members working in the office tomorrow are cordially invited to attend. If you have an IAPE t-shirt to wear and you don’t mind short sleeves in 50° temperatures, please feel free to show your union affiliation!

The HC union represents more than 250 employees in editorial, sales, publicity, design, legal, and marketing departments. The union is bargaining for higher pay, a greater commitment to diversifying staff, and stronger union protection. Negotiations started in December 2021 and HarperCollins Union employees have been without a contract since April 2022.