Desk Hoteling, In-Office Work and Covid

The union has expressed concerns about Dow Jones plans to increase the number of expected in-office days for non-News staff, especially in New York where the loss of floor space has resulted in a requirement for employees to share desks.

Reports received by IAPE indicate that employees from multiple WSJ News workgroups contracted Covid last week, possibly exposing coworkers to illness. This apparent uptick in the spread of Coronavirus comes one week into Dow Jones “desk hoteling” plans in New York, requiring employees to reserve desks prior to arriving at the 1211 Avenue of the Americas building.

The union was contacted by several members asking about the current Dow Jones protocol surrounding contact tracing and notification for exposed employees. Dow Jones has eliminated all Covid protocols following the expiration of the public health emergency effective May 11. Unfortunately, this means that Dow Jones will not be conducting additional contact tracing or providing notification to exposed employees.

In addition to pushing back on in-office requirements in New York, IAPE has asked Dow Jones to confirm whether sick-time usage at 1211 AOA has increased since desk hoteling began on May 22. The union requested the company delay requirements for additional in-office work for non-News staff by at least two weeks and to instruct New York employees to work from their homes, where possible, for two weeks to contain any possible office exposure to Covid.

What if I’m Exposed?
Dow Jones has confirmed to the union that guidance for employees who are feeling unwell or who have tested positive for Covid remains unchanged: stay home. If you are unable to work due to illness, inform your manager you are using sick time. If you encounter any difficulty in using sick days because you are ill, contact the union.

While you are not required by law to share your medical information with others, if you suspect you have been exposed to or have tested positive for Covid, please consider sharing with your colleagues to curb additional exposure. Many employees have pre-existing medical conditions or family with pre-existing conditions that make exposure to Covid more dangerous.

If you hear from a colleague that they may have been exposed or that they have tested positive, IAPE recommends that you get tested as well. Dow Jones has recommended communicating with your manager if you may need to work remotely as a result of potential exposure.

If you have been notified by Dow Jones that an exemption from in-office work has expired and you are still unable to report to work at a Dow Jones location due to a qualifying disability, you must deliver a new accommodation request to the company.

IAPE can provide guidance if you have questions about requesting accommodations (including ergonomics) and what information the company may ask from you. This is not limited to Covid-related health issues, but rather health conditions and/or disabilities that may affect your ability to perform certain movements, job functions, or other processes without support.