Thursday: IAPE Town Hall

A Kickoff to Contract Bargaining!

Join IAPE President Jodi Green, Executive Director Tim Martell, Administrative Officer Kaitlyn Frarey and other IAPE representatives on Thursday, May 11 for a union town hall meeting and preview of upcoming contract negotiations with Dow Jones.

Two one-hour sessions are scheduled: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. EDT and 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. EDT. To receive your Zoom link and attend one of these meetings, register on the IAPE Events page.

Hear how IAPE’s Board of Directors have been preparing to bargain for a new contract and how your responses to membership surveys conducted earlier this year have influenced union proposals.

IAPE reps will also discuss recent changes to in-office work plans and—for members in New York—the company’s decision to implement desk-sharing across all departments. Questions from members on all topics are welcome, especially if you would like to email yours in advance.

See you Thursday!

Performance “Conversations”
Earlier today, Dow Jones employees received a memo from CPO Dianne DeSevo announcing the beginning of “year-end performance conversations,” otherwise known as annual performance evaluations. Ms. DeSevo properly noted that the self-assessment portion of your evaluation is optional.

That’s good.

For many years, IAPE has taken the position that evaluating an employee’s performance is a management function. However, the union also recognizes that the performance evaluation process is an employee’s only opportunity to have an informed discussion with their manager about goals, expectations, performance and pay.

Our recommendation: if you want to participate in this process by providing a description of your own achievements, please do. Nobody can describe your successes and accomplishments better than you. We continue to believe that performance evaluations should be prepared by managers, but we also want to be clear that this should not in any way stop you from helping that process by singing your own praises.

If you plan on discussing your compensation with your manager, you may be interested in requesting an IAPE pay review. Using confirmed pay data from Dow Jones, your IAPE pay specialist can show you how you rank compared to peers in the same title, department, location, age range and tenure.

Depending on the backlog of requests, an IAPE pay review can take up to a week to complete. If you’re interested in receiving an analysis of your pay before speaking with your manager, ask IAPE for a review today.