IAPE Supports Sabrina Siddiqui

The Independent Association of Publishers’ Employees (IAPE), Local 1096 of The NewsGuild-CWA, strongly condemns the online violence directed toward our member, Sabrina Siddiqui, a respected and accomplished reporter for The Wall Street Journal.

Since June 22, when Sabrina questioned Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a White House press conference and asked what steps Modi and his government would be willing to take “to improve the rights of Muslims and other minorities ... and to uphold free speech” in India, the harassment of Sabrina from online trolls, and even party officials associated with the Modi government, has been relentless.

We are surprised and saddened to feel the need to remind people that these types of attacks against journalists around the world seek to discredit fact-based reporting.

There is no place in society for these gutless and despicable actions. Sabrina has been attacked for doing her job—and for doing it very well. We stand in support of Sabrina, our trusted colleague and friend, and in solidarity with journalists everywhere engaged in holding the powerful to account, even in the face of attempts to intimidate and censor.