Bargaining Update: Responses to Various Proposals

IAPE and Dow Jones representatives met again yesterday. No new proposals were exchanged. IAPE provided Dow Jones with responses to the company’s Proposals #2 and #3. Some topics of discussion yesterday included:

  • Eligibility for Increases

  • Notice of Meetings (for Disciplinary/Investigatory meetings involving IAPE employees)

  • Change in probation period from 9 to 6 months

  • Retraining allowance

  • Retirement Severance

  • Amendment to Article XX - Nondiscrimination

IAPE withdrew the following proposals:

  • Revision of Rehire section to increase rehire rights from one month to six months.

  • Payment upon discharge for cause

  • Increase severance payment when the company is sold or employee is transferred to a new company from half to full

IAPE and Dow Jones have agreed to the following tentative agreement:

  • Process for applying for an available position (Art. VI(J))

Dow Jones has yet to provide their wage or benefits proposal. IAPE reiterated the importance of a wage proposal to our members and pointed to the approaching end of the contractual 60-day extension, which expires at the end of August. 

Bargaining has been canceled for Thursday (7/27) due to the company and IAPE’s regular monthly joint committee meeting and will resume next Tuesday (8/1). 

Bargaining Town Hall Reminder
IAPE will host two virtual town hall sessions on Monday, August 7th at 2pm ET and 6pm ET. We will provide updates on bargaining, discuss how members can get involved and answer any questions you may have about bargaining.

You can sign up to attend on the Events page on our website.