OTR Bargaining Starts Today

IAPE and Dow Jones bargaining teams will meet in Princeton this morning for the first of two off-the-record contract sessions scheduled for this week. Negotiations will begin today at 11:00 a.m. EDT and will resume on Thursday at 10:00 a.m. EDT.

Wednesday has been set aside as a planning day for union and management committees.

While IAPE will not be able to share details or proposal documents from off-record meetings with Dow Jones, members will receive a full update of respective bargaining positions once the union and management decide to resume on-the-record talks.

IAPE Action Planning Continues
While IAPE negotiators are locked in a meeting room in central New Jersey, union Contract Action Team (CAT) members will be ramping up plans for public actions to apply sustained pressure on Dow Jones. IAPE volunteers have been busily calling and emailing members to encourage participation in union mobilization efforts.

Included in those: a voluntary walkout pledge and an open letter to management demanding answers about News Corp’s deal with OpenAI.

With over 1,400 IAPE-represented employees to contact, the CAT could use some help! All members are welcome to participate in these union outreach efforts. Email union@iape1096.org to join the CAT!

Thursday: Outreach Follow Up and More!
This Thursday, June 13, CAT members will meet to talk about our ongoing outreach and phone banking conversations. We want to know what you've been hearing, what's been working—as well as the unexpected questions and challenges you've encountered, so we can figure out how to work through them. We'll also be going over techniques to move our colleagues to action as we head into the push for our walkout pledge!

This session is open to all IAPE members. See the link in your email to register and receive your meeting invitation.