Town Halls, Comp Time and More

Some Monday afternoon reminders

IAPE members, don’t forget to register for one of this week’s Town Hall meetings! IAPE officers, directors, stewards and staff are hosting open forums to talk about new contract changes, and address your questions. IAPE reps will also talk about exciting opportunities to get involved with your union and how to keep IAPE moving forward!

Members can choose from two sessions: Tuesday, July 23 at 2:00 p.m. EDT and Thursday, July 25 at 4:30 p.m. EDT. To receive your remote meeting calendar invitation, register here!

Union members are also invited to attend IAPE steward training sessions on July 31, Aug. 13 and Aug. 29, and a legislative information session hosted by our parents union, The NewsGuild-CWA tomorrow evening. See the IAPE Events Page for details and registration links.

How Was Your Weekend?
Nothing like breaking news to disrupt a weekend, right? Or a worldwide software outage? Or mandatory overtime?

Whether you work in News and needed to join in on unscheduled coverage over the past two weekends, or you’re a Technology employee assigned Saturday work to make sure systems are running smoothly, or a member in Due Diligence required to clean up a backlog of reports, chances are you’re entitled to extra compensation.

Do you know how to file for that?

Overtime-exempt members are entitled to Comp Time whenever they are assigned work on Scheduled Days Off—members can claim a maximum of eight hours of work per SDO at 1.5X for a total of twelve hours of comp time per day—which can be used as soon as you can schedule time off, or can be cashed out after 30 days.

Overtime-eligible employees are entitled to 1.5X pay anytime a manager assigns work in excess of seven hours in one day, or 35 hours in a regular week.

For more details, see IAPE advisories on Comp Time and overtime pay. If you have any questions about eligibility or filing for your time, contact the union office.