NLRB to Dow Jones: No
/Labor Board rejects management request for review of WSJ Photo Editor win
In a long-awaited decision, the National Labor Relations Board announced yesterday it has rejected a petition by Dow Jones & Company to review the NLRB decision that made Photo Editors and Lead Photo Editors at The Wall Street Journal eligible for IAPE representation.
This final determination by the Board follows a Sept. 8, 2023, unanimous vote by Photo Editors to join IAPE, believed to be a fitting conclusion after their Sept. 9, 2022, petition to form a union.
NLRB said the company’s request for an appeal raised “no substantial issues warranting review.”
This, combined with the facts that Photo Editors and Lead Photo Editors have been recognized as IAPE-represented employees since last year, and IAPE and Dow Jones agreed to remove an exclusion for Photo Editors from the new 2023-27 contract, should finally bring this saga to a close.