Yes, We’re Still Talking

After day-long, off-the-record negotiation sessions on Tuesday and Thursday, IAPE and Dow Jones have decided to keep talking.

While we still are not able to share details from this week’s talks, we can confirm that bargaining teams for the company and the Union will resume negotiations this afternoon at 2:00 p.m. EDT. Today’s meeting will be a virtual session.

Even though IAPE and Dow Jones reps are still negotiating, members who have not yet signed on to our walkout pledge are encouraged to do so. Thanks to everyone for your support!

IAPE Board to Vote on Strike Hardship Fund

In light of a potential walkout by IAPE-represented employees at Dow Jones and the resulting financial hardships that some members may face, the Union is taking proactive measures to support members as we stand together.

Today, IAPE President Jodi Green filed a formal motion with the union's Board of Directors to allocate funds from IAPE reserves in order to establish a Strike Hardship Fund. The Fund will provide crucial assistance to our members who experience docked wages due to their participation in authorized work stoppages. It was in anticipation of such contingencies that members voted overwhelmingly in 2020 to lift the cap on monthly dues.

Members in good standing will be eligible to receive hardship benefits if they honor a voluntary walkout pledge and participate in a work stoppage, or observe and respect picket lines established by the Union following a strike authorization vote.

The motion was formally seconded by Northeast Location Director Frank Matt. The IAPE Board will vote on the motion during its next regular meeting, scheduled for Monday, June 17.

OTR Bargaining Starts Today

IAPE and Dow Jones bargaining teams will meet in Princeton this morning for the first of two off-the-record contract sessions scheduled for this week. Negotiations will begin today at 11:00 a.m. EDT and will resume on Thursday at 10:00 a.m. EDT.

Wednesday has been set aside as a planning day for union and management committees.

While IAPE will not be able to share details or proposal documents from off-record meetings with Dow Jones, members will receive a full update of respective bargaining positions once the union and management decide to resume on-the-record talks.

IAPE Action Planning Continues
While IAPE negotiators are locked in a meeting room in central New Jersey, union Contract Action Team (CAT) members will be ramping up plans for public actions to apply sustained pressure on Dow Jones. IAPE volunteers have been busily calling and emailing members to encourage participation in union mobilization efforts.

Included in those: a voluntary walkout pledge and an open letter to management demanding answers about News Corp’s deal with OpenAI.

With over 1,400 IAPE-represented employees to contact, the CAT could use some help! All members are welcome to participate in these union outreach efforts. Email to join the CAT!

Thursday: Outreach Follow Up and More!
This Thursday, June 13, CAT members will meet to talk about our ongoing outreach and phone banking conversations. We want to know what you've been hearing, what's been working—as well as the unexpected questions and challenges you've encountered, so we can figure out how to work through them. We'll also be going over techniques to move our colleagues to action as we head into the push for our walkout pledge!

This session is open to all IAPE members. See the link in your email to register and receive your meeting invitation.

Bargaining Canceled

IAPE and Dow Jones reps plan to meet for multiple off-record sessions next week

Following an informal discussion between representatives from IAPE and senior management at Dow Jones, the union and the company have agreed to cancel a bargaining session scheduled for this morning.

Bargaining teams from IAPE and Dow Jones are clearing calendars and plan to meet for a series of off-the-record negotiation sessions in Princeton next week.

The IAPE Board of Directors and Bargaining Committee looks forward to engaging with Dow Jones management for open and frank discussions, hopefully leading to the collective agreement our members deserve.

To be clear: the decision to postpone contract talks today was a mutual one. However, IAPE has not agreed to set aside any plans for mobilization toward collective member action. In fact, it is quite likely management representatives have only expressed a willingness to talk seriously about an agreement, in off-record negotiations, because of recent, public actions by IAPE members.

Keep up the great work!

While IAPE will not be able to share details or proposal documents from off-record meetings with Dow Jones, members will receive a full update of respective bargaining positions once the union and management decide to resume on-the-record talks.


You may have heard the rumors of another round of layoffs, this time in U.S. News. While we cannot confirm a definitive number of IAPE-represented cuts until the end of the day, we can confirm the rumors are becoming fact today.

We need to act because of the heartless way our colleagues around the company have been treated during months of drawn-out layoffs.

Join your colleagues today, May 30 for a lunch walkout at 1:00 p.m. EDT.

If you’re in NY, let's meet on the sidewalk outside the building on 6th Ave. We'll distribute decorated picket signs and march around the building. Bring your chanting voice!

If you are remote today, you can join the virtual walkout (see your email for a meeting link) at the same time and set your OOO to “Walking out in solidarity with colleagues laid off today”.

Afterwards, we'll announce our next action, answer questions + spend the rest of the hour together in solidarity. See you all there!

Contract Negotiations Postponed -- And Layoff News

The regular, weekly contract negotiation meeting between IAPE and Dow Jones, originally scheduled for this morning at 10:00 a.m. EDT, has been canceled. Contract talks will resume next Thursday, June 6.

The company requested a delay due to the Memorial Day holiday and vacation time causing management representatives necessary for the preparation of proposals to be unavailable.

Fine, Whatever. What About Layoffs?
We’ve all heard the rumors—layoffs are expected in the US News department . . . sometime.  The union has learned IAPE members are receiving invitations to “organizational update” meetings occurring throughout the day. In our recent experience, receiving an invitation for such a meeting is an indication you are about to find out about layoffs first-hand.

Dow Jones management has not provided formal layoff notices to the union. Typically, layoff notices are shared with IAPE after each individual has been notified by HR that their position has been eliminated.

Under the terms of the contract between IAPE and Dow Jones—which expired on March 29, but terms and conditions remain in effect—the company must provide at least 30 days’ advance notice of layoffs. During rounds of job cuts in 2023 and earlier this year, management has instructed employees to stop working on the date notices are issued, even though they remain on payroll for that 30-day period prior to the delivery of severance pay.

Once notices are delivered to the union office, IAPE will share basic layoff information with each individual who has provided a personal email address to the union—because Dow Jones network access is usually shut off immediately (so, if you have not provided a personal email address or phone number to the union, please send yours today).

IAPE will also investigate to ensure all seniority rights and contract protections have been followed by Dow Jones.

Members invited to layoff meetings are encouraged to remove personal material from any Dow Jones device, drive or inbox before network access is terminated.

If you have any questions about layoffs at Dow Jones, or if you ever receive a layoff notice and have any questions at all, please contact IAPE or your nearest union representative.

Bargaining Update: Let’s Be Open About This

IAPE members calling on Dow Jones leadership to hold OpenAI town hall

IAPE presented a new, limited proposal to Dow Jones during a short bargaining session on Thursday morning. The union’s 23rd proposal during this round of negotiations reduced its wage demand for a pay increase effective—and retroactive to—July 1, 2023 to 8.0%.

IAPE also responded to a series of questions Dow Jones asked after receiving the union’s May 2 proposal on derivative rights.

IAPE negotiators kicked off Thursday’s meeting by recognizing the proposal made by Dow Jones on May 16, but noting that the company’s suggestion for non-enforceable footnote language to address IAPE concerns about AI was insufficient, especially in light of Wednesday’s news about a new partnership between News Corp and OpenAI.

Dow Jones referred to the OpenAI deal as a “licensing agreement.”

IAPE members believe there may be more than meets the eye—or the OpenAI as may be the case.

This morning, IAPE released an open letter to senior Dow Jones leadership calling for “a town hall by the end of the fiscal year to address concerns and answer questions” about the new deal.

IAPE members are encouraged to sign this open letter. To add your name, click here. You can also scan the QR code on the letter linked above, or click the “sign here” link within the open letter.

The letter calls on management to “offer a transparent roadmap for any changes.”

We look forward to management’s response.

Bargaining Update and Welcome to IAPE, MarketWatch NY

IAPE and Dow Jones were back at the bargaining table yesterday, where Dow Jones representatives presented their latest proposal document, which included healthcare premiums for 2027, a change to physical fitness, and an updated department list. 

Dow Jones also made a counter-proposal to IAPE’s Proposal No. 23 around AI. Despite union efforts to add AI protections, the company continues to push back on contract language, instead offering a footnote of the company’s promise to union members. As Tom explained, we would not be able to grieve or arbitrate over any concerns surrounding the AI language in the footnote. 

We are working through the data we received today and hope to have proposals for our bargaining session next Thursday, May 23 at 10 a.m. EDT. 

Sign up for Open Bargaining here

IAPE is growing!

When MarketWatch was first acquired by Dow Jones in 2006, MarketWatch employees in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C. decided to join IAPE. At the time, there was not strong union support among the employees in New York, so our MarketWatch colleagues there remained non-union. 

In 2023, MarketWatch employees in New York came to IAPE to restart conversations about joining the union. Working with IAPE’s Organizer, Marissa Dadiw to advocate for inclusion into the bargaining unit, on March 18, 2024, MarketWatch New York employees launched their public campaign for voluntary recognition.

This past Wednesday, President Jodi Green and Dow Jones Legal signed a MarketWatch/IAPE Recognition Settlement and a Sideletter re: MarketWatch (New York) recognition to be added to our existing bargaining unit. 

We are excited to have MarketWatch New York join IAPE and fight alongside all members for a fair contract!

New Directors Join the IAPE Board of Directors

Speaking of great news…this week IAPE filled three vacant seats on the IAPE Board of Directors. Congratulations to Northeast Location directors - Jenny Kerrigan and Nick Devor and Northwest Location Director - Jeff Horwitz.

Interested in getting more involved?

We still have some open Board positions.

These are our current vacancies: 

-Mid-Atlantic (Princeton - 2 open positions)

-Classification Director for Technology

-Classification Director for Admin/Sales 

Please contact to learn more about joining the Board. 

If you ever have any questions, feel free to reach out to any of your IAPE Location/Classification Directors or Officers. You can find a list of all IAPE Board and Staff members on the IAPE website

“Ring, Ring Collective Action Calling” 

A reminder that if you haven’t already, you will be receiving phone calls from IAPE’s Contract Action Team (CAT) to take the pulse on upcoming actions. We encourage you to take those calls and provide your input. 

If you’ve changed your number or aren’t sure what number is on file, please email with your current personal number. 

It's That Time of the Year Again!

Guidance for Self-Evaluations and Performance Reviews

As Dow Jones departments and managers move ahead with year-end performance conversations, IAPE members are once again reaching out to the union office for guidance. 

So, here’s our annual reminder: all IAPE-represented employees may decline self-assessments, self-ratings, and department feedback requests. Dow Jones has confirmed for IAPE that, “Employee self-reflection remains optional but strongly encouraged,” and that self-ratings are also optional.

As we have said in years past, if you want to rate yourself or offer comments about your achievements over the past year, feel free. Nobody will do a better job of singing your own praises than you. But beware: any critical notes you provide may be held against you in your manager’s final assessment of your performance.

If you have any questions or concerns about performance discussions with your manager, please let us know, or contact your local IAPE representative

Merit Increases

As performance evaluations are ramping, we’re hearing from members that they are receiving mixed messages about union eligibility for merit increases. Managers in some groups have gone so far as to say union members are ineligible because of the ongoing negotiations.

Sadly, this is more of the same from the company. A tactic they use to push merit conversations down the road and create pressure during negotiations.

There is nothing on the union side that prevents the company from paying our members more through merit increases and/or promotions. 

Get a Pay Review!

As you prepare for your performance evaluations, we're receiving an influx of pay review requests. Requests usually take a week or longer; however, there is a bit of a backlog due to limited staff availability during collective actions and ongoing negotiations. The turnaround time has been extended. If you know you'll be requesting a pay review and have a date for your performance evaluation, please submit your request as soon as possible and mention your performance evaluation date to

ACTION ALERT! Wednesday, May 15 at 4 p.m. EDT

Let’s Decorate in New York and Princeton!

New York members are invited to another “lunch-in” event. We’ll meet on the third floor in the cafeteria to decorate *drum roll please* picket signs! Signs will be making their way to other locations soon, so for those not based in New York, please stay tuned for future events!

Speaking of which…

Princeton Location Meeting Tomorrow

Tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. EDT in the Marketplace Conference Room, Princeton members are invited to attend an IAPE Location Meeting hosted by Vice President Patricia Corley, Secretary Tim Merle, and Mid-Atlantic Location Director Ariana Vera with President Jodi Green there to answer questions. 

We will provide updates, pizza, and most importantly, picket signs. Come out and join your colleagues as we decorate signs and answer your questions about office issues, contract negotiations, and all things strike authorization vote. 

For those who are unable to attend in person, you can join via the Google Meet invite

IAPE Slack

Join us in IAPE Slack! We are growing a community for IAPE members with access to resources, a place to ask questions, and channels to plan collective actions during our ongoing negotiations. 

Sign up for IAPE Slack here.

Open Bargaining Thursday

IAPE plans to head back to the bargaining table this Thursday, May 16 at 10 a.m. EDT, where we anticipate a response from the company on union proposals. 

Sign up for Open Bargaining here.