IAPE Files Vision Plan Grievance

IAPE has filed a grievance against Dow Jones claiming the company has violated the collective agreement by planning to provide more generous vision plan benefits to non-union employees in 2023.

On Oct. 25, in an email to all employees, Chief People Officer Diane DeSevo announced vision plan benefit enhancements for next year, with an increase to $150 in coverage for new eyeglass frames. “IAPE members will retain the same Vision program from 2022,” Ms. DeSevo said.

The 2022 plan provides only $110 in coverage for frames.

Responding to an inquiry from the union, company officials confirmed the vision plan enhancement will only apply to non-union personnel. The company justified its position by pointing to the new contract negotiated in August, and ratified by IAPE members on Sept. 9, and the agreement between Dow Jones and IAPE to keep healthcare premium rates unchanged for 2023.

The new vision plan would require a price hike from $1.40 to $1.72 per pay period for employee-only coverage. Employee-plus-spouse coverage would increase from $2.81 to $3.85 per pay period, employee-plus-child(ren) from $4.21 to $5.18 and employee-plus-family from $5.92 to $6.91.

The union, on the other hand, believes Article XII of the contract is quite clear: “Except as expressly provided by this Agreement, the plans applicable to bargaining unit Employees will be the same plans applicable to non-union corporate employees of the Company generally in the US or Canada.” The contract also requires the company to provide sixty days’ advance notice wherever possible when material changes to benefits are considered. Dow Jones failed to provide any notice to the union in this instance.

The union filing will be presented on Thursday at the next meeting of the joint IAPE and Dow Jones Grievance Committee. The company will have an opportunity to respond to union claims, and reply to IAPE information requests, at that time.

Vacation Time: Use it or . . . Sell it?
It’s the last month of the year, which means members in many departments are scrambling to use remaining vacation days before they expire on Dec. 31. As Article IX of the contract reminds us, “Vacation time may not be carried forward into a new calendar year unless required by local law or as provided in the Company’s published vacation policy or employee handbook.”

The Dow Jones Employee Handbook states, “Generally, vacation carryover is not permitted. However, extraordinary business circumstances may prevent you from using all your vacation days before the end of the year. In this case, you may carry over vacation time, up to a maximum of five (5) days, into the next calendar year with your immediate manager and People Team Business Partner or Generalist’s advanced written approval. Carryover vacation must be taken by March 31st of the following year.”

And, of course, members in California may save vacation time from year to year, subject to the contract’s “California Cap” of up to 175% of any annual allotment of time.

But did you know that, for some of you, there’s an option to sell unused vacation time? Article IX also states, “An Employee who is entitled to at least three weeks of vacation and whose compensation is $1,250 per week or less will be granted one week's pay in lieu of one week's vacation at the request of the Employee.”

So, if you’re paid $65,000 or less per year and you have vacation time you’re not able to use, think about selling it back to the company. Contact your HR representative to request the sale of your time. It’s your money!

New York Times Strike Solidarity
IAPE’s NewsGuild siblings at The New York Times are taking strike action and walking off the job for 24 hours on Thursday. Here's why. Our parent union, The NewsGuild, is organizing a Solidarity Rally and inviting Guild folks across the country to gather on Zoom for a half-hour to join and meet the NYT Strikers and get an update from the picket line. It’s time to show the Guild at its best—supporting each other!

If you have a few minutes to spare on Thursday afternoon, please join us:

New York Times Solidarity Rally
Thursday, Dec. 8, 2022 - 2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. EST
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 948 4523 8764
Passcode: 419411