Support our Striking Siblings

IAPE’s NewsGuild siblings at The New York Times are taking strike action and walking off the job for 24 hours on Thursday. Here's why. Our parent union, The NewsGuild, is organizing a Solidarity Rally and inviting Guild folks across the country to gather on Zoom for a half-hour to join and meet the New York Times Strikers and get an update from the picket line. It’s time to show the Guild at its best—supporting each other!

If you have a few minutes to spare tomorrow afternoon, please join us:

New York Times Solidarity Rally
Thursday, Dec. 8, 2022 - 2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. EST
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 948 4523 8764
Passcode: 419411

If you’re in Manhattan, and you just happen to be near the New York Times building tomorrow at 1:00 p.m., you’re cordially invited to gather at 620 8th Avenue for an in-person rally. Members are encouraged to wear red to support Guild strikers. See the following graphic for details (and please continue to scroll for news about TNG members on strike in Pittsburgh).

Announcing Pittsburgh Strike Santa
The NewsGuild is proud to announce a holiday season initiative that they have launched to support the striking workers at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the first NewsGuild workers to go out on indefinite strike in 21 years.

Fellow union members and community supporters can show solidarity with the Pittsburgh strikers by participating in Strike Santa, a Guild-coordinated gift registry where striking workers can submit requests for holiday gifts for themselves and their families, and their adoring supporters can purchase them!

Please visit to see the range of gifts already requested. More will be added as members decide what they’d like to request.

If you are able, join us in participating by purchasing a gift!