Wednesday in New York: Contract 101

Tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 p.m. EST join IAPE representatives for a Contract 101 primer covering the collective bargaining process. We’ll explain how contract negotiations occur and what IAPE expects to face when our bargaining team meets with Dow Jones later this year.

Members in New York, we’re excited to offer this class live and in-person! Meet us in the Yankees conference room on the 5th floor of 1211 AOA (F05.AG45). For those in New York and elsewhere not able to meet in the building, you can still attend via Google Meet. Please register on the IAPE Events page to receive your meeting link.

New York members, IAPE reps will also be available in the building throughout the day to answer any questions you might have. Watch your email tomorrow morning for location details.

As always, if you have questions about the bargaining process, or other work-related matters, feel free to email the union at

IAPE Contract Survey: Performance Evaluations
If you haven’t had a chance to respond to our survey about Dow Jones performance evaluations, please see our survey link in your email to tell us about your experiences with the annual review process, and what management should know about its ratings system.

Have You Had a Pay Review Lately?
The Dow Jones fiscal year ends in June, which means that for the next few months management will be focusing on budget preparations for next year.

What does this mean for you? Well, it might be worth making your pay part of their budget considerations.

March to June is the period when IAPE receives the most pay review requests. Our pay reviews pull data directly from Dow Jones payroll reports to show how you stack up in comparison to colleagues with similar titles, DOBs, hire dates, locations, departments, and managers.

IAPE members receive contractual raises, but in a year when we are set to negotiate the contract, these raises will be pushed off until the conclusion of negotiations.

Despite the contract negotiations, IAPE members always have the option to request a merit-based pay increase from their manager. Having numbers directly from the Dow Jones payroll reports, and a list of ways you have met or exceeded goals can go a long way.

If you’re interested in a pay review, email us at