IAPE Settles Vision Plan Grievance

Don’t Buy Those Glasses Until April!

A grievance filed by IAPE in December has been settled, resulting in a vision plan benefits increase starting in April for union-represented employees. Dow Jones will hold a new open enrollment this month so members can re-register for its vision plan, providing an additional $40 allowance for eyeglass frames.

Plan premiums will increase slightly per pay period:

  • From $1.40 to $1.72 for employee-only coverage

  • From $2.81 to $3.85 for employee-plus-spouse coverage

  • From $4.21 to $5.18 for employee-plus-child(ren) coverage

  • From $5.92 to $6.91 for family coverage

During grievance discussions, Dow Jones insisted it would not be able to migrate IAPE-represented employees into the more-generous vision plan until April 1. Despite IAPE’s urging, the company refuses to reimburse IAPE-represented employees who have purchased glasses already this year and only received the $110 allowance for frames. In order to take full advantage of the frames increase, the union recommends waiting until April, when the new plan takes effect, before making any purchases you may be considering now.

Prior to open enrollment for 2023 health insurance benefits, Dow Jones CPO Dianne DeSevo announced an increase in annual eyeglass frames coverage for non-union staff from $110 to $150. “IAPE members will retain the same Vision program from 2022,” Ms. DeSevo said.

IAPE’s grievance stated, “By restricting IAPE-represented employees from participation in the new plan, and by failing to notify the Union of changes to the Vision Plan, the company has violated the collective bargaining agreement.”

The company argued that offering enhanced vision coverage to IAPE-represented staff also would have violated the 2022-23 agreement to preserve 2022 benefits without any change in premium rates. The union noted that the company failed to even notify IAPE negotiators of the new 2023 plan during contract negotiations last year.