Bargaining Update: You Think YOU’RE Disappointed . . .

Bargaining Continues on #TshirtTuesday

Contract negotiations between IAPE and Dow Jones continued today, with the union presenting a new proposal document to the company.

Management was disappointed.

They were disappointed that IAPE would insist on negotiating over advances in artificial intelligence, and how new processes might impact bargaining unit employees. “These are forms of automation,” Dow Jones representatives told the union bargaining committee. “These are core management functions.”

They were disappointed that IAPE would preserve so many of its proposals in this new document—or consider items from IAPE’s original proposal to be “important” despite management’s reluctance to engage on topics like increases to retirement plan contributions, or comp time for extraordinary hours of work, or carryover of vacation time.

They were disappointed that IAPE would reject company proposals to weaken job security “out of hand,” even though management has similarly refused union proposals to protect jobs by changing how seniority is determined.

They were disappointed IAPE had not developed a proposal addressing company plans to shift healthcare costs onto employees, even though last week’s company presentation required months of preparation by News Corp’s benefits team.

They were disappointed IAPE would indicate a willingness to accept—or “cherry pick”—Dow Jones proposals to reimburse for doula services or cover out-of-network mental health services at in-network rates, without realizing all company health insurance proposals are part of a single package.

And they were extremely disappointed that IAPE held fast on a proposal to increase wages by 15% in the first year of the contract. Because, after all, Dow Jones provided the union with a good faith, 3% offer on raises during a bargaining meeting last week.

Gosh, that’s a shame.

Perhaps management fails to realize how disappointed IAPE members were to receive that 3% offer, given recent Dow Jones performance results. Maybe they don’t realize that a 15% wage offer—as ambitious as it might seem—is not at all unrealistic when compared with other recent NewsGuild contract settlements (which the company says we shouldn’t compare ourselves to), and with an eye toward cost of living increases and recent company performance.

Maybe they don’t realize how disappointed their employees—even those not represented by IAPE—are to face the uncertainty of layoffs each day, even though Dow Jones has “doubled its profitability over the past four years.” In fact, in their recent earnings call, News Corp management repeatedly highlighted these layoffs as a cost saving measure that delivered the company $160 million in annual gross savings. If you missed the call, you can replay the webcast for yourself.

It is possible they fail to realize that Dow Jones employees are tired of being recognized with platitudes during town hall meetings, and would prefer to have a strong contract with better benefits and real wage increases.

We think management will need to get over their disappointment.

Negotiations will continue on Tuesday, Aug. 22. That’s #TshirtTuesday. If you have an IAPE tee in your closet, be sure to wear it in support of the bargaining committee, whether you are working from home, in a Dow Jones office or out in the field. If you don’t have an IAPE shirt, any black or red item will do.

As always, please send us your contract feedback. Questions, comments or concerns are always welcome at