#TshirtTuesday Tomorrow

IAPE members, whether you’re working from home, in an office or in the field tomorrow, we have a wardrobe suggestion for you: your favorite IAPE t-shirt.

Your IAPE bargaining committee will be back at the negotiating table again tomorrow morning and is calling for all union members to display their union support by wearing an IAPE shirt while at work. If you don’t have an IAPE tee, any red or black item will do. Remember to send your IAPE photos to union@iape1096.org.

Let’s all join together to show Dow Jones we won’t stand for substandard contract proposals from management! In case you missed last week’s news, Dow Jones was disappointed at the union’s response to its Aug. 8 proposal package. You may also have missed the company’s own negotiation update. We thought that message needed a few revisions.

Thanks for supporting your contract team!