IAPE, Dow Jones Trade Day One Proposals

Representatives from IAPE and Dow Jones opened 2023 contract negotiations on Tuesday and traded initial proposals for a new collective bargaining agreement. Not surprisingly, the differences between the respective opening positions are stark and significant.

IAPE negotiators—President Jodi Green, VP Laura Casey, Directors Jess Bravin, Doug Cameron, Patricia Corley, Ted Mann, and Ariana Vera, and staffers Kaitlyn Frarey and Tim Martell—presented a proposal document seeking improvements in almost all areas of the contract, including a 15% wage increase in the first year of the deal. That first-year figure, in line with the recent contract agreement at the New York Times Co., is intended to make up for ground lost to inflation over the past two years and maintain Dow Jones as an industry-leading workplace.

The union package focused on improving seniority protections, called for a cap of three mandatory in-office working days for the life of the contract, and proposed new contract language defining book and other derivative rights for employee-created work and protections against advancements in artificial intelligence. The union also introduced proposals addressing member concerns regarding the coverage of specific healthcare services including doula coverage, increased mental health coverage, and support for seeking gender-affirming and reproductive care.

Simply put, it is a proposal for contract enhancements and protection from inflation that IAPE-represented employees deserve.

On the other hand, Dow Jones proposed clawing back many of the benefits and rights our members have won in past years and rely upon today.

The company presented a disappointing and unrealistic package calling for the elimination of cost-of-living provisions, along with proposals to give management unilateral power to reduce health benefits and increase premiums, limit parental and child-care leave, and cut severance pay, among other items. The company proposal package also reintroduced a proposal the union has seen before, to use what it calls “merit-based criteria to determine layoffs,” at its sole discretion, effectively eliminating members' earned seniority rights. Dow Jones's proposals would significantly erode many of the protections of previous contracts and leave employees more vulnerable to the whims of their managers.

Dow Jones made no offer on wages in its initial proposal. However, company representatives at the bargaining table took exception to IAPE’s wage proposal when the union cited the recent Times Guild and New York Times agreement as a benchmark.

IAPE members can follow along with all proposals during negotiations by visiting the union’s Contract ’23 webpage.

Negotiations will resume in Princeton on June 21, with virtual meetings planned for June 22, 27 and 29. In the meantime, the bargaining committee will be working on responses to company proposals and will finalize additional proposals around job classifications, health and safety, and DEI.

What do you think of management’s first proposal? We’d love to know! Email us your feedback at union@iape1096.org.

Negotiations Begin Tomorrow—Show Your IAPE Support!

Tomorrow morning, 43 days after IAPE delivered a demand to begin contract negotiations, Dow Jones representatives will finally sit down with the union bargaining committee and trade proposals for a new collective bargaining agreement.

Negotiations will kick off at the Princeton Dow Jones campus at 11:00 a.m. EDT.

Wherever you are working tomorrow, please show your support for your IAPE contract team. With summer-like temperatures upon us, tomorrow would be a great day to wear an IAPE t-shirt. IAPE buttons are must-have accessories. And if you have an IAPE water bottle or coffee mug in your cupboard, be sure to reach for that first when pouring your morning beverage.

We would love to see photos of all your IAPE support. Email your pics to union@iape1096.org or tweet us @iape1096. #contract23

Contract Trivia: Dues Payments

Congratulations to Princeton member Kevin Deitrich, one of a handful of IAPE members who knew that Federal Way, WA (47.3223°N) is farther north than Montreal, QC (45.5019°N) or Ottawa, ON (45.4215°N) or any other IAPE-represented locations. Kevin’s correct response to last week’s trivia question—identify the northernmost union-represented location recognized by the IAPE/DJ collective agreement— was selected as this week’s $50 winner for our 2023 trivia contest (see Article II for all contract locations).

We would like to thank everyone who has been playing along with our trivia contest each week. Anyone can submit a response, but as we note in the rules (below), only dues-paying members are eligible to win prizes. Not everyone who occupies an IAPE-represented position pays union dues—some work in states like Georgia or Texas where dues payments must be optional—but for most of us, payment of fees or dues to the union is a condition of employment. The contract contains a requirement for new employees, or those who transfer into union-protected jobs, to begin those payments within a certain time period. So, tell us if you know . . .

How soon after beginning employment (or transferring into an IAPE-represented position) must an employee become a dues-paying IAPE member or a fee-paying non-member?

Think you know? Email your response to union@iape1096.org. Not sure? Scroll through our contract posted on the IAPE website to find the relevant section. Members in good standing* will have until Thursday at midnight  to find the answer within the current collective agreement between IAPE and Dow Jones, and email that answer back to us. This Friday, one winner will be selected at random from all the correct responses, and that winning member will receive a $50 prize from IAPE.


*The IAPE contract trivia question is a weekly contest for members of the IAPE/DJ bargaining unit in the United States and Canada, working under the terms of the collective agreement between Dow Jones & Company Inc. and the Independent Association of Publishers’ Employees (IAPE) TNG/CWA Local 1096, AFL-CIO,CLC, in effect from July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023. IAPE officers, IAPE directors, IAPE staff, fee-paying non-members and non-members in right-to-work states (or new employees not yet paying dues to IAPE) are not eligible for prizes. Contest period lasts through 11:59 PM Eastern Time each Thursday. On Friday, one winner will be selected from the previous week’s correct answers by a random drawing. Winners are limited to one prize every thirty days.

12.5%? How Did They Do That?

IAPE and Dow Jones to kick off negotiations on June 13 – can we keep pace with the New York Guild?

On May 23, The NewsGuild of New York announced its Times Guild bargaining unit had reached a tentative agreement for a new contract with the New York Times. After more than two years of negotiating with Times management, and almost three years without a negotiated pay raise, the Times Guild had reached a groundbreaking agreement for their members.

The five-year contract, effective now after being ratified by Times Guild members yesterday, includes:

  • A universal $65,000 salary floor;

  • Immediate raises of at least 10.6 percent for all members, with 12.5 percent raises for those earning less than $100,000 per year, 

  • A ratification bonus equal to 7% of earnings after March 31, 2021;

  • Raises of 3.25% in 2024 and 3% in 2025;

  • Three in-office days per week for the life of the contract, starting Sept. 5, 2023;

  • A ban on the use of nondisclosure agreements in cases of workplace abuse or harassment;

  • Expanded benefits, including $50,000 in fertility coverage and paid sabbaticals of four weeks for every 10 years worked at the company;

  • First-ever contract language explicitly outlining out intellectual property rights, including an agreement to pay half of any payments to the author or video creators of productions;

  • Protected life rights so workers who write autobiographical material for The Times have more control over whether their personal stories are turned into secondary works like movies.

And much, much more. Their achievements truly are remarkable. So, how did they do that?

It wasn’t easy.

At the outset of their contract campaign, the Guild had just a handful of active Times stewards. Members were barely one year into the new, work-from-home reality brought about by the Covid pandemic, and no one really knew how contract negotiations conducted remotely via Zoom would play out.

For those involved in 2022 negotiations between IAPE and Dow Jones, this sounds familiar.

At the Times, however, through a steady campaign of engagement, Guild members—journalists, sales reps, technology workers, security guards and staff at the company’s events venue, The Times Center—began a series of escalating activities. They started with simple requests for member participation: sign a petition, join a reply-all email chain, participate in a social media campaign, and so on.

By November of 2021, the Guild had built its steward ranks to more than 100 active participants on its “Contract Action Team.” Through consistent outreach to coworkers, Guild leaders and CAT members convinced coworkers to gather for a mass protest outside the Times building.

Throughout 2022, Times Guild members continued to apply pressure on the company, culminating in a 24-hour work  stoppage in December. Through the final days of negotiations, members continued to stage protests, including in their newsrooms and at a stockholders’ meeting.

It took a very long time and a lot of hard work, but Times Guild members’ efforts have paid off. Literally.

On June 13, IAPE representatives will meet with counterparts from Dow Jones management to open negotiations for a successor to the 2022-23 collective agreement. The IAPE side will come to the table armed with comprehensive contract proposals addressing member priorities. All proposals will be shared on the IAPE website as negotiations progress—it is no secret, though, that IAPE intends to propose a multi-year agreement. It is possible that Dow Jones will open negotiations with a proposal for another one-year deal.

We might all point to the new contract at the Times and think, “we should have that, too.” Perhaps we should, but we won’t achieve a deal like that without a fight. What we can all take away from the new contract negotiated by the NewsGuild of New York is this: more important than the words and documents traded at the bargaining table are the actions taken by members in the workplace.

To that, we say, “stay tuned.” Volunteer to join the IAPE Contract Action Team! When your area IAPE representatives call for support with a petition to management, please join in. When the bargaining committee invites members to attend negotiations, either in-person or remotely, don’t be shy. Join us for town hall updates. Volunteer to spread the word among your own departments, and send your own suggestions for member actions to IAPE.

Next Tuesday marks the beginning of what could be a very long round of contract negotiations. Your bargaining committee intends to negotiate for the contract you deserve. We can only achieve that with your support.

Contract Questions? Join us for IAPE 101
IAPE newcomers, when you were hired by Dow Jones, were you surprised to learn that you were a union-represented employee? Have you ever wondered about your rights as a union member? If you have a half-hour to spare today at 2:00 p.m. EDT, please join us for the next installment of IAPE 101 and see if we can answer your questions.

IAPE 101 is a Zoom presentation addressing the basics of IAPE membership: What is a union? How does IAPE function? How does IAPE fit into Dow Jones? What are the benefits of union membership? All these questions and more will be covered in this class, perfect for those brand new to IAPE, or even for veteran members interested in learning more about their union. Visit the IAPE Events Page and register today!

Even if you’re a long-time member, today’s class is also a perfect opportunity to get answers to your questions about our contract (sorry, no Trivia Contest hints!) and what we might expect to hear from the company during negotiations. All members are welcome!

Tomorrow: Labor, Faith, and LGBTQ+ Pride
Join CWA Human Rights for Labor, Faith, and LGBTQ+ Pride, an online panel in celebration of Pride Month 2023! We will discuss the intersections of the labor movement, LGBTQ+ movements, and faith communities. CWA is excited to facilitate a discussion with panelists from the CWA Pride Caucus, Pride at Work, and Vanderbilt Divinity School's Wendland-Cook Program in Religion and Justice. LGBTQ+ workers, as well as all union siblings and allies, are encouraged to attend. Register at the IAPE Events page.

Contract Trivia: IAPE Geography

Congratulations to New York member Hailey Davis, today’s winner of our 2023 trivia contest and a $50 prize. Hailey’s entry was selected from several correct responses to last week’s question about Holiday Pay: the Company must increase Holiday Pay from 1.5X pay to 2X pay when an employee works in excess of their regularly scheduled hours on a contract-recognized holiday (see Article VIII-A or VIII-B, Section A.2).

Hailey is the sixth New York-based member to win a trivia prize during this year’s contest. We have also congratulated eight winners assigned to the Princeton location and one each from Washington and San Francisco. Article II of the agreement between IAPE and Dow Jones recognizes 18 cities in the United States and Canada as IAPE-represented locations, even though Dow Jones no longer maintains an actual office space in some of those cities (hello, Dallas!).

This week, we’re adding a geography component to the contract trivia contest:

Identify the northernmost union-represented location recognized by the IAPE/DJ collective agreement.

Think you have the answer? Email your response to union@iape1096.org. Not sure? Take a look at the cities listed in Article II and send us your best guess!. Members in good standing* will have until Thursday at midnight to find the answer within the current collective agreement between IAPE and Dow Jones, and email their contest entry back to us. Next Friday, one winner will be selected at random from all the correct responses, and that winning member will receive a $50 prize from IAPE.


*The IAPE contract trivia question is a weekly contest for members of the IAPE/DJ bargaining unit in the United States and Canada, working under the terms of the collective agreement between Dow Jones & Company Inc. and the Independent Association of Publishers’ Employees (IAPE) TNG/CWA Local 1096, AFL-CIO,CLC, in effect from July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023. IAPE officers, IAPE directors, IAPE staff, fee-paying non-members and non-members in right-to-work states (or new employees not yet paying dues to IAPE) are not eligible for prizes. Contest period lasts through 11:59 PM Eastern Time each Thursday. On Friday, one winner will be selected from the previous week’s correct answers by a random drawing. Winners are limited to one prize every thirty days.

Design our new Logo!

Let your creative juices flow and win $500

The IAPE logo has changed occasionally over the years. The union’s Board of Directors has decided IAPE needs a fresh look and we would love to select a logo design provided by one of our members.

The IAPE Board of Directors has approved a prize of $500 from the union’s Mobilization budget for a logo redesign contest. All IAPE-represented employees are eligible to enter this contest, with a tentative deadline for the IAPE Board to select a winner by June 30—just in time for the expiration of our contract with Dow Jones!

The new IAPE logo should be relevant to the union and our membership, and can incorporate elements from either or both of our parent unions: The NewsGuild and the Communications Workers of America. We can be identified by our full name, Independent Association of Publishers’ Employees (yes, the apostrophe goes after the s), or by our acronym and local designation number: IAPE 1096. Our current colors are red and black, and while we would prefer to retain red as a nod to our relationship with CWA, we are open to new ideas!

Entries containing complete vector files are preferable, but members may also submit ideas, concepts and sketches. We’re looking for a design that is scalable, to be reproduced on items as small as lapel pins and as large as . . . oh, let’s say, picket signs?

Send your design ideas to logocontest@iape1096.org. And if you’re looking for inspiration, check out these amazing NewsGuild local logo designs created by rank-and-file members in their own bargaining units!

Desk Hoteling, In-Office Work and Covid

The union has expressed concerns about Dow Jones plans to increase the number of expected in-office days for non-News staff, especially in New York where the loss of floor space has resulted in a requirement for employees to share desks.

Reports received by IAPE indicate that employees from multiple WSJ News workgroups contracted Covid last week, possibly exposing coworkers to illness. This apparent uptick in the spread of Coronavirus comes one week into Dow Jones “desk hoteling” plans in New York, requiring employees to reserve desks prior to arriving at the 1211 Avenue of the Americas building.

The union was contacted by several members asking about the current Dow Jones protocol surrounding contact tracing and notification for exposed employees. Dow Jones has eliminated all Covid protocols following the expiration of the public health emergency effective May 11. Unfortunately, this means that Dow Jones will not be conducting additional contact tracing or providing notification to exposed employees.

In addition to pushing back on in-office requirements in New York, IAPE has asked Dow Jones to confirm whether sick-time usage at 1211 AOA has increased since desk hoteling began on May 22. The union requested the company delay requirements for additional in-office work for non-News staff by at least two weeks and to instruct New York employees to work from their homes, where possible, for two weeks to contain any possible office exposure to Covid.

What if I’m Exposed?
Dow Jones has confirmed to the union that guidance for employees who are feeling unwell or who have tested positive for Covid remains unchanged: stay home. If you are unable to work due to illness, inform your manager you are using sick time. If you encounter any difficulty in using sick days because you are ill, contact the union.

While you are not required by law to share your medical information with others, if you suspect you have been exposed to or have tested positive for Covid, please consider sharing with your colleagues to curb additional exposure. Many employees have pre-existing medical conditions or family with pre-existing conditions that make exposure to Covid more dangerous.

If you hear from a colleague that they may have been exposed or that they have tested positive, IAPE recommends that you get tested as well. Dow Jones has recommended communicating with your manager if you may need to work remotely as a result of potential exposure.

If you have been notified by Dow Jones that an exemption from in-office work has expired and you are still unable to report to work at a Dow Jones location due to a qualifying disability, you must deliver a new accommodation request to the company.

IAPE can provide guidance if you have questions about requesting accommodations (including ergonomics) and what information the company may ask from you. This is not limited to Covid-related health issues, but rather health conditions and/or disabilities that may affect your ability to perform certain movements, job functions, or other processes without support.

Contract Trivia: Holiday Pay

Congratulations to New York member Paul Curtis, today’s winner of our 2023 trivia contest and a $50 prize. Paul was one of a handful of IAPE members with the correct answer to last week’s question about introductory pay tiers, and knew that there are 16 different Tier levels listed in the IAPE/DJ Job Description Document – eleven non-IT tiers (1-10 plus a separate tier for reporters) and five tiers for technology titles. (see the  2022-23 Job Descriptions, Tiers and Minimum Pay Scales document).

(We also would have accepted a guess of 17 tiers, because a new IT Tier 3A entry was added earlier this year. It has not yet been included in the Tier document.)

It’s the Friday before the Memorial Day long weekend—except for IAPE members in Canada, where it’s the Friday after the Victoria Day long weekend—and we hope everyone has a safe and happy three-day break. In an organization like Dow Jones, someone is always going to be required to work on a holiday—and that’s when it’s helpful to know the answer to this week’s contract trivia question:

At what point during work required on a contract holiday must the company increase Holiday Pay from 1.5X pay to 2X pay?

Think you know? Email your response to union@iape1096.org. Not sure? Scroll through our contract posted on the IAPE website to find the relevant section. Members in good standing* will have until Thursday at midnight to find the answer within the current collective agreement between IAPE and Dow Jones, and email that answer back to us. Next Friday, one winner will be selected at random from all the correct responses, and that winning member will receive a $50 prize from IAPE.


*The IAPE contract trivia question is a weekly contest for members of the IAPE/DJ bargaining unit in the United States and Canada, working under the terms of the collective agreement between Dow Jones & Company Inc. and the Independent Association of Publishers’ Employees (IAPE) TNG/CWA Local 1096, AFL-CIO,CLC, in effect from July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023. IAPE officers, IAPE directors, IAPE staff, fee-paying non-members and non-members in right-to-work states (or new employees not yet paying dues to IAPE) are not eligible for prizes. Contest period lasts through 11:59 PM Eastern Time each Thursday. On Friday, one winner will be selected from the previous week’s correct answers by a random drawing. Winners are limited to one prize every thirty days.

Contract Trivia: Pay Tiers

Congratulations to Princeton member Denise Ackerman, the latest winner of our 2023 trivia contest and a $50 prize. Denise was one of several IAPE members with the correct answer to last week’s question about the ability to sell vacation time: an IAPE-represented employee can request one week’s pay in lieu of one week’s vacation if they are entitled to at least three weeks of vacation and if their compensation is $1,250 per week or less (see Article IX - Vacations, Section E).

The IAPE Board of Directors will soon be finalizing proposals for a new contract with Dow Jones—union and management representatives will meet next Thursday to discuss a schedule for 2023 negotiations—and as part of that process, the union will also review existing introductory pay tiers and scales for classified job titles. The 2022-23 Job Descriptions, Tiers and Minimum Pay Scales document is incorporated by reference into the collective agreement between IAPE and Dow Jones, and is the source for this week’s trivia question:

How many different Tier levels are listed in the IAPE/DJ Job Description Document?

Think you know? Email your response to union@iape1096.org. Not sure? Take a look through the Job Description Document linked above. Members in good standing* will have until Thursday at midnight to find the answer within the current collective agreement between IAPE and Dow Jones, and email that answer back to us. Next Friday, one winner will be selected at random from all the correct responses, and that winning member will receive a $50 prize from IAPE.

Register for Contract 101
If you haven’t registered to attend our Contract 101 class scheduled for next Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. EDT, there’s still plenty of time. RSVP at the IAPE Events page for this Zoom presentation and Q&A session.

Still Looking for Elections Committee Volunteers
There are still openings for one or two more volunteers for the 2023 IAPE Elections Committee. Any member in good standing can help oversee this year’s election of union officers and directors, whether you’re an IAPE veteran or a newcomer.

If you would like to pitch in and help, please email the IAPE office.


*The IAPE contract trivia question is a weekly contest for members of the IAPE/DJ bargaining unit in the United States and Canada, working under the terms of the collective agreement between Dow Jones & Company Inc. and the Independent Association of Publishers’ Employees (IAPE) TNG/CWA Local 1096, AFL-CIO,CLC, in effect from July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023. IAPE officers, IAPE directors, IAPE staff, fee-paying non-members and non-members in right-to-work states (or new employees not yet paying dues to IAPE) are not eligible for prizes. Contest period lasts through 11:59 PM Eastern Time each Thursday. On Friday, one winner will be selected from the previous week’s correct answers by a random drawing. Winners are limited to one prize every thirty days.

Contract 101 - Job Security

The IAPE Contract 101 series is a great way to learn more about the collective agreement, especially as the union prepares proposals for contract improvements to be presented during negotiations this year.

The next edition of IAPE’s Contract 101 will be held on Tuesday, May 23 at 2:00 p.m. EDT and will focus on job security, just cause protections, layoffs and seniority.

Visit the IAPE Events Page to register for this Zoom presentation.

In light of News Corp plans to cut staff throughout the calendar year, members may appreciate a deeper understanding of how the IAPE contract protects employees from arbitrary layoffs. It can also be helpful to be aware of your contractual rights when a manager delivers a surprise invitation to an investigatory or disciplinary meeting.

Join your colleagues and IAPE representatives next Tuesday!