Tell TNG what we should do about AI!
IAPE and Dow Jones contract negotiation teams have largely taken a break from bargaining this week. Union and company officials met briefly on Tuesday to discuss job classification and pay scale issues, and again this morning to review various data reports the company provides to IAPE. Negotiations over “big ticket” proposals are expected to resume next week.
From the union’s perspective, job security must be included in those larger issue conversations—and a key component of job security must be a better understanding of how Dow Jones plans on integrating artificial intelligence within its products.
Speaking of AI . . .
Last week, we invited IAPE members to participate in a survey conducted by our parent union, The NewsGuild, and the initial response from our own members has been fabulous! Thanks to those who have already taken part!
The deadline to respond to TNG’s survey is Friday, Sept. 22. We would love as many additional IAPE members as possible to help influence our parent union’s position on AI issues, and help inform the Guild’s approach to bargaining over AI advances. See your email for details and submit your responses today!
(One lucky survey respondent will win swag from TNG-CWA’s online union store.)
IAPE on the Road
One very important aspect of developing member support for any union negotiation campaign is boosting union visibility in all our workplaces. IAPE officers, directors and staff will be working to do just that over the next few weeks, leading up to the Oct. 30 expiration date for our now-extended contract.
Today, IAPE President Jodi Green and Executive Director Tim Martell are in San Francisco for a meet and greet with members and an update on contract negotiations.
Next week, union officers and staff will be available in Princeton on Sept. 20 and New York on Sept. 21—see your calendar for local meeting details. On Sept. 27, members in Chicago will be able to hear first-hand from IAPE reps and talk about contract negotiations.
Whether you get to meet with IAPE representatives this month or not, your support for your union bargaining committee is always appreciated! Please continue to watch for ways you can get involved in member actions—by wearing union t-shirts, joining IAPE social media campaigns, or any other mobilization activity we’ll be advertising soon!
TNG Strike School
Our friends at the Guild have been working on more than just AI issues lately. In recent months, union siblings at Guild shops like The New York Times and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram have participated in short-term strikes on their way to negotiating amazing new contract settlements with their employers. And, of course, Guild members at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette have been on strike for almost one year.
To better explain the process of going on strike, officers and staff at the Guild and activists from various locals will be holding TNG’s second annual Strike School on Saturday, Sept. 30 from 11:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. EDT. They’ll also have a special guest from the United Auto Workers talking about what their union is doing to prepare for what could be the nation’s largest strike in decades. Plus, TNG and CWA leadership will also speak about building worker power, including new CWA President Claude Cummings.
Through a series of interactive workshops and panels, you’ll learn the following from a diverse group of leaders about:
What makes strong contract campaign
How you and your coworkers can build a militant and responsive workforce that’s excited and ready to take action
How to identify who the targets are that can actually move things at the bargaining table
How to set the foundation of escalating actions up to a strike nuts and bolts of running a strike.
This class is available to all Guild members, including those of us in IAPE. If you are interested in attending, see your email for registration details!